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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 16, 2006
Upgraded to iLife '06 and was bummed to find out that I must use iWeb to post pictures now...far more complicated than just throwing a bunch of photos on a homepage...what's the logic behind this out-of-character bonehead move by Apple?
Using homepage in the past, I created dozens of sites, all with different addresses so I could share them with different groups of people.
It looks to me that now everything must come under one iWeb site. Is that true?
Either way, Apple has taken away a great feature and I don't understand why.

signed, confused


Moderator emeritus
Mar 16, 2004
Andover, MA
Not only can you still throw pics on a homepage (at least via .Mac's website), but iWeb lets you save as many different sites as you'd like.

When iWeb opens up, you can right-click on the page name (in the left sidebar) and rename it, so you can store as many sites as you'd like.


macrumors 65816
Feb 27, 2004
London, UK
nickweston said:
Upgraded to iLife '06 and was bummed to find out that I must use iWeb to post pictures now...far more complicated than just throwing a bunch of photos on a homepage...what's the logic behind this out-of-character bonehead move by Apple?
Using homepage in the past, I created dozens of sites, all with different addresses so I could share them with different groups of people.
It looks to me that now everything must come under one iWeb site. Is that true?
Either way, Apple has taken away a great feature and I don't understand why.

signed, confused

Yep, annoyed the hell out of me too. iWeb is nice, but it's not as simple as homepage. Not only did they remove the button, your old homepage pages are not 'compatible' with iWeb pages - they have a different web address, and you can't import them into iWeb so that all of your pages are in one place.

Plus, another annoyance is that with Homepage, more than one person could publish pages into my site with no problems (assuming they have my .mac details). With iWeb, if you try to publish a page from a different computer, it overwrites the main index page of your site with the new page details.



May 26, 2004
Randy's House
I like the old way.

"Publish to .Mac" and boom.

iWeb takes an hours to do it - I don't even use iPhoto anymore because of it.

In fact, I'm thinking of ditching .Mac because of it - I used to publish most of my online images for forums, e-mail, etc. via iPhoto. I don't think I have one single image on .Mac at this point.


macrumors 6502a
Gee said:
Yep, annoyed the hell out of me too. iWeb is nice, but it's not as simple as homepage. Not only did they remove the button, your old homepage pages are not 'compatible' with iWeb pages - they have a different web address, and you can't import them into iWeb so that all of your pages are in one place.

Plus, another annoyance is that with Homepage, more than one person could publish pages into my site with no problems (assuming they have my .mac details). With iWeb, if you try to publish a page from a different computer, it overwrites the main index page of your site with the new page details.


WTF!! So, they limit you to using only one computer to use iWeb with, unless you erase all you've done?


macrumors 65816
Feb 27, 2004
London, UK
hikeNM said:
WTF!! So, they limit you to using only one computer to use iWeb with, unless you erase all you've done?

Not exactly, and there are ways around it, but what happens is: when you publish a site, it creates an index page at web.mac.con/yourname that redirects to the main page of your published site. So, when you type this address into a browser, it goes to your first page. If you then publish another site from a second computer, it does the same thing, overwriting the location of your first main page with the location of the second. So, when you type the address into a brower, it no longer does to your original site. Make sense? Of course, all of your pages are still there, and you can get to them by typing in their actual addresses (, if you can remember.


macrumors 6502a
Gee said:
Not exactly, and there are ways around it, but what happens is: when you publish a site, it creates an index page at web.mac.con/yourname that redirects to the main page of your published site. So, when you type this address into a browser, it goes to your first page. If you then publish another site from a second computer, it does the same thing, overwriting the location of your first main page with the location of the second. So, when you type the address into a brower, it no longer does to your original site. Make sense? Of course, all of your pages are still there, and you can get to them by typing in their actual addresses (, if you can remember.

It kinda makes sense. So, if I understand correctly. I can't create a page using iWeb on one computer, then go to my other computer and edit that same page using iWeb?

Pistol Pete

macrumors 6502a
Jan 6, 2005
i dont know what you all are talking about...did you ever notice the speed of homepage?

iWeb is a lot better considering this is only the first version.


macrumors 65816
Feb 27, 2004
London, UK
hikeNM said:
It kinda makes sense. So, if I understand correctly. I can't create a page using iWeb on one computer, then go to my other computer and edit that same page using iWeb?

Exactly. There's a way round it, by putting the file that contains all of the site on a shared server somewhere, but that's not ideal.


macrumors 65816
Feb 27, 2004
London, UK
Pistol Pete said:
i dont know what you all are talking about...did you ever notice the speed of homepage?

iWeb is a lot better considering this is only the first version.

The speed was fine - Select your album in iphoto, press 'homepage', choose template, leave it to get on with it.

iWeb is better in some ways and not in others, but I think our main complaint is more than that. It's that that they took the feature away. You upgrade to ilife 06 and it's gone. No choice, no option, actually not even mentioned anywhere. And for us that had invested a lot of time creating homepage pages, that's more than annoying.


macrumors 68020
Feb 20, 2004
hikeNM said:
It kinda makes sense. So, if I understand correctly. I can't create a page using iWeb on one computer, then go to my other computer and edit that same page using iWeb?

The way to do this is to make a copy of the "iWeb" folder found in your "Applications support" folder. You then place that copy into the same location on the other Mac and BAM - your original iWeb file opens on the other machine. Be sure to copy it back and forth as needed so you are working with the most current file.

Users->Library-> Application Support-> iWeb


macrumors 6502a
aricher said:
The way to do this is to make a copy of the "iWeb" folder found in your "Applications support" folder. You then place that copy into the same location on the other Mac and BAM - your original iWeb file opens on the other machine. Be sure to copy it back and forth as needed so you are working with the most current file.

Users->Library-> Application Support-> iWeb

That makes sense. Thanks for the tip.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
aricher said:
The way to do this is to make a copy of the "iWeb" folder found in your "Applications support" folder. You then place that copy into the same location on the other Mac and BAM - your original iWeb file opens on the other machine. Be sure to copy it back and forth as needed so you are working with the most current file.

Users->Library-> Application Support-> iWeb

If you have both computers on a network you do not need to copy the folder between the two computers. You can "share" the folder and have the same data available on both. In fact a smart thing is to have only ONE copy of your entire user home folder.

People who have been using UNIX computers expect that when they sit down to any computer in the building and log in to see their desktop and all of their files. There should be no need to copy files because they "follow your login". Mac OSX is UNIX and I'm surprized people don't set up their macs to act like this. It's not hard and all the tools are there. I've been using systems like this for about 15 years now Macs have been able to do this from back when they were called "Next Cubes".

law guy

macrumors 6502a
Jan 17, 2003
Western Massachusetts
You can still use - most of my photos on my iWeb page are links to my homepage site. All you do - and this is the way I've always done it - is upload the photos you like from iPhoto to you iDisk (i.e. when you choose export, select iDisk and have a folder already created in your iDisk to designate). Then on the .mac page for homepage, just pick a new photo template and select the iDisk folder - and there are all you're photos published with the homepage. To link to these in iWeb simply create links on a page - see this page for an example: an iWeb page with different photo years in homepage - each homepage site with 15 or so pages per year - so one for 2003, one for 2004, etc. Cannon Family Website/Main Site Menu.html


macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 16, 2006
missing my homepage features

thanks to all for the many workarounds to the dearly departed "homepage" function in iPhoto/iLife '06.
I know it's possible to drag photos to the iDisk, then create a homepage in .mac, but that now takes at least 4 more steps than it did before.
We've also lost a bunch of cool templates...
And what about the "announce site" cards we used to be able to send out? Those were impressive and we're stuck with a generic iWeb email.
This is progress?

I still prefer the simple way.



macrumors 68000
Jul 27, 2002
iWeb is a PIECE OF CRAP.

It should never have been released, and furthermore, it should NEVER have been forced upon the user in iPhoto. That was a massive step backwards.

...end of you were.


macrumors 68020
Feb 20, 2004
e-coli said:
Sure it may not generate elegant sites or code but for many folks it does the trick perfectly. I for one have limited web skills and a ton of images I am slowly posting to my iWeb site. I love the ability to quickly get images onto the web without having to monkey about whatsoever. With some fiddling around I was able to work out a design that isn't too cookie cutter. I've seen tons of iWeb sites out there that you wouldn't peg as a template-based program site. Sure, if I had the time I'd pick up real web skills but as it is I'm working 65+ hour weeks and would rather spend my downtime with my family. iWeb allows me the freedom to keep a basic site up and still have a life.

e-coli said:
it should NEVER have been forced upon the user in iPhoto. That was a massive step backwards.
Personally I think any iWeb page, even the templates look better than the ghetto-web look of homepage generated pages. That's just my opinion though.I thnk with iLife 07 Apple will make iWeb shine. At that point it won't seem so much like "a step backward" at all. Besides, what do you care? If you don't like it, don't use it. There are plenty of alternatives.


macrumors 65816
Feb 27, 2004
London, UK
aricher said:
Besides, what do you care? If you don't like it, don't use it. There are plenty of alternatives.

That's the whole point of this thread! I don't like it and I don't want to use it. I was happy using Homepage, but it's no longer an alternative because Apple took it away.


macrumors 68020
Feb 20, 2004
Point taken, I just felt that e-coli's comment was a bit hostile. I realize that many people love homepage but seriously, iWeb is just as easy to upload to and in my opinion produces better looking results than the old homepage. I truly believe that the 2007 version of iLife will make this easy and elegant once again. Apple didn't take away your Homepage - it just takes a couple of more steps - I know that's ugly but in Apple's mind that's progress.

Pistol Pete

macrumors 6502a
Jan 6, 2005
haha whatever seems as if you are missing the point of it?

e-coli said:
iWeb is a PIECE OF CRAP.

It should never have been released, and furthermore, it should NEVER have been forced upon the user in iPhoto. That was a massive step backwards.

...end of you were.


macrumors 68000
Jul 27, 2002
aricher said:
Besides, what do you care? If you don't like it, don't use it. There are plenty of alternatives.

I care because I maintain a site with which I keep my family (whom I live 3000 miles away from) updated about my life through pics. This was very seamless in iPhoto to Homepage. Now I have this overly-complex "new" scheme to getting my pages posted, and it doesn't link with my OLD galleries. So now I have 2 separate sites. Not to mention I've been paying $100 a year for this stuff.

I care because I'm a paying user.

aricher said:
...I just felt that e-coli's comment was a bit hostile.

And who cares if I have negative reactions to a piece of software? Did that hurt your feelings? Did I make you look shallow and trite, leaving you only as the splintered hollow shell of the iWeb-using man you used to be?

Well, then I guess my work here is done. :rolleyes:

Pistol Pete said:
haha whatever seems as if you are missing the point of it?

Not entirely impossible. I'd say I probably just don't get it at all. ;)
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