I wonder if this has anything to do with some people being on several different lists, but not informing other stores to be taken off a list once they have managed to secure an iPad.
I'm not trying to jack your thread, but is there a classified section on this site? I really want to get an iPad, however i don't want to shell out all the cash....i'd like to trade for an item plus cash. any help?
I dont understand why you'd need a reservation list for iPad. I ordered my iPad of the Apple store on-line website and got it less than 2 weeks after I placed the order. And that was in June.
Also, Futureshop and Best Buy have them in regular stock now here as well.
crazy times.
You can get that kind of service at your local Apple store, no matter where you purchased the iPad. There is no disadvantage to ordering online in this regard.I think some people would rather buy from their nearby Apple retail store rather than the online Apple store. The reason being is that it's easier to return, replace, configure, and/or repair by swinging by the retail store if you have one close by, than sending it in to Apple. These services are also faster with the local retail store, sometimes same day. Our local retail store won't provide these services if purchased from the online Apple store.
This is annoying. I wanted to get one for my husband on his trip to China (flying coach = hell, with no power supply for your computer), but all the Apple stores in Los Angeles are sold out, Best Buy too.
I went to Beverly Center last night and I've been in there before, but I've never seen so many people at once buying them. I called beforehand and the Apple store rep said they had 16 gig Wifi and 64 gig 3Gs available. But when I got there, all the people inside the store had bought all of them just right under my nose. WTF?! It's not even launch day for this Apple product. Well, I admit it was bad planning on my part to not just order this online ahead of time.
Originally we were going to get a Hypermac battery to power our 17" 2.66 icore7 MBP but Hypermac was *also* sold out of that, in turn making us suddenly want an iPad for the long 14 hour trip to China. After this, I think I'll wait for next year's iPad...by the time it's available in stores 2.0 will be out.
Don't you love it when everyone suddenly wants the same thing you want at the same time?!
You can get that kind of service at your local Apple store, no matter where you purchased the iPad. There is no disadvantage to ordering online in this regard.
Not true. I don't know if it's the policy of all retail stores, but mine will not accept returns or exchanges with products bought at the online store.
I think some people would rather buy from their nearby Apple retail store rather than the online Apple store. The reason being is that it's easier to return, replace, configure, and/or repair by swinging by the retail store if you have one close by, than sending it in to Apple. These services are also faster with the local retail store, sometimes same day. Our local retail store won't provide these services if purchased from the online Apple store.