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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 14, 2001

If this is true, it sucks. I'd hate to have to switch browsers. I love IE. About six months ago I tried them all - Mozilla, NN, OmniWeb, etc. I just didn't find one that worked as well as Explorer.

Am I the only one who feels this way? Is there another browser that I should be using? Convince me...
IE could be faster but is ok. A person from M$ has gone on the record to say they will continue to develop IE + Office while there is still demand!
I guess you missed the update that was just released for IE for both Mac OS 9.x and OS X.

I would like to know if they are planning any major revisions/updates this year or not. The peecee world is already up to version 6, we are still on 5.1.x for the latest. m$ bastards.... and they killed Halo for the Mac too.... At least until the sales on the heXbox drop (Rat bastards).
I read somewhere that there was a more major update coming soon. I would have though that would take us to v.6 so that its more in line with the PC though. I think this will be out for the summer, around the same time as the Office updates comes out. It will probably be bundled with OSX.2.
I did notice. But a security patch seems almost obligatory. I just want to see IE get closer to it's performance in 9.x and Windows, so I hope MS keeps plugging away.
Even security patches show a continued support for the platform and OS. I have found that my TiBook running just OS X, is a serious contender with my game peecee (a 1.4GHz AMD T-Bird GAME computer that I built, loaded up). Considering how the G4 is only a 500MHz system, and only has 256MB more then the peecee (TiBook has 1GB of RAM) that is something else. Page refresh rates are neck and neck as are all the normal tasks that I put them both through. I did find it 100x easier to quit IE on OS X compared to the peecee. You start getting the pop-up windows on the Mac and you just tell it to quit (or force quit it). The only way I have found to tell ie to quit on the peecee is to close all the windows (not easy when they keep popping up/open) or to get to the task manager (argh).

At least we all know that Apple's systems are superior, in more ways every day. :D

Now, if I could just get my sister to buy one instead of another peecee when it is time....
I really would not read too much into the ad. It was targeted at UNIX folks who are usually the most anti-MS people you can find. For this type of ad, it would probably not be in Apple's best interest to show IE on the dock.

I'd like to know more about Shapiro's remarks at the trial. Something sounds kind of wierd there.
Originally posted by AlphaTech
I guess you missed the update that was just released for IE for both Mac OS 9.x and OS X.

I would like to know if they are planning any major revisions/updates this year or not. The peecee world is already up to version 6, we are still on 5.1.x for the latest. m$ bastards.... and they killed Halo for the Mac too.... At least until the sales on the heXbox drop (Rat bastards).

Buddy, the issue number doesn't mean anything. The fact that IE is at version 6 for PC means that it's gone through 6 revisions since it came out for PC. Try to remeber that IE for mac hasn't always been there. Geez some people... :mad: :mad:
ejm625... Dude, take a chill pill, wait, take two (they are small after all).

Oh, and six revisions also means that they have been working on it more and harder then on the Mac version. While I am not surprised at this m$ does have it's Mac software section. You would think that they could work on more then one app at a time.

Another example of them dropping software is Project. The last Mac version came out back in 98 as version 4. NO revisions or updates since then. Nothing... Good luck in trying to get it to work under OS 9.x. I have people at work that want to use it on the Mac, but can't. Yet the peecee version has been updated not too long ago, since there is at least a Project 2000.
The fact that IE is at version 6 for PC means that it's gone through 6 revisions since it came out for PC.

If I remember correctly, the first version of IE for Windows was 2.0. Not sure about the Mac.
If IE went away...

We'd be fine.

While IE is the only browser I have that can use Windows Media player correctly, Mozilla can do pretty much everything else--AND it's much faster and more stable. I run IE about twice a month, only at times that I really need to.

My bet is that within 2-4 months, Chimera and OW will be the best browsers out there for us. From reading posts here, it is clear that a) some people decide on what is true (e.g., what is the "best" or "fastest") browser without beingn dissuaded by new facts, and b) some people simply have different results on their machines.

I think the only thing that I has swayed my opinion (in most aspects of life) is experience. Try the latest versions of all the browsers and see what you think. My preference is to stick to Mozilla, although I am attracted to Chimera for it's speed and OW because I like the company. Others out there swear allegiance to Opera and iCab. On my machine, the only ones worth using are Chimera (for speed), Mozilla (speed and compliance), and IE (when crappy FrontPage code or other proprietary M$ stuff forces me to).

But your mileage may vary.

On two other notes:
1) I doubt M$ will stop supporting IE for Mac

2) Version 6 of IE is more advanced than the 5.14 for Mac. The numbering thing is deliberate, not an artifact. When M$ started supported Mac products again, they tried to get version numbers up to speed. I personally think they deliberately keep most Mac stuff behind PC stuff (for obvious, anti-competitive reasons). People sometimes forget how deliberate they are about (almost) everything.

Just my two cents.

chmorley, I've found that mozilla and the ones built on the same core (including netscrape there) blow. Both Chimera and OmniWeb are still being worked on. They need to buckle down and get up there in stable features (and compatibility with the sites I care about) before I adopt them.

I don't know if the people running the alternate browsers are running OS X or 9.x. I am running OS X ONLY, no classic or any traces of 9.x on my TiBook. I also don't have any plans of installing 9.x onto the laptop.
I've found that Mozilla is the best browser yet for the PC, I wouldn't know about the mac. It's especially fast in Linux, but it beats IE in Windows 9.x (my game box) for speed.

There are a few sites that don't render properly in Mozilla that I have come across, but those sites are rare and never very important to me. Your experiences may be much different.

Also, Mozilla has become much faster (and more stable) in the last six months.

AlphaTech, might I inquire why you hate Mozilla?

I only run OS X on my TiBook, as well. It is stable (crashing maybe once a week, as opposed to IE's 1-2 x/day when I was using it full-time). Have you used a recent build of Mozilla? It is fast, stable, and compliant with nearly every site I use. It is pretty much all I have used since December. I have also found tabbed windows tough to give up, which is probably reason #2 for me not using OW much (#1 being speed).

I use Chimera from time to time because I like to see a browser that is Cocoa/Quartz. The Carbon browsers that proliferate work (albeit slower), but they don't show off the fruits of Apple's labor. Also, while OW is still a work in process, it is far more stable on my machine than IE. Unfortunately, it is even slower than IE.

As I said in my previous post, I am not sure why people get such different results. On my 667 IE crashes more than any other piece of software I have. While I don't like Microsoft, I use Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and even Entourage. I will use their products if they are good. On my machine, IE is a piece of ****.

chmorley, I have not have IE crash on me in well over 4 months. In all the time I have been running OS X, IE has only gone down for me once or twice. I have forced it to quit sometimes when I get the infinate popup windows, but that is the fault of some web sites.

As for the alternative browsers, I have tried the beta's as well as non-beta releases (a few months back) and didn't like them at all. I don't use netscrape either because I don't like how it renders pages. MY personal preference is IE, at least for now.

How much memory do you have on that 666, sorry 667 TiBook??? I have 1GB in my Rev a. 500MHz TiBook, and IE runs just fine. Then again, so does just about everything else (that isn't a beta release). You might want to invest in either some additional memory, or run some repair utilities on your system. I did it when I installed my new 60GB hard drive, but haven't since.

Eyelikeart will also testify to the validity of running utilities, even on OS X.
I would definitely try the newest version of Mozilla (it is 1.0 initial release).
I have found it was faster than IE, but not quite as fast as Chimera.
Chimera is also very cool because of the anti aliased text, which has made me switch over to it for my everyday browser.
I certainly hope that the development on Chimera and Mozilla continues.

I haven't used IE on X in months :D
Originally posted by AlphaTech
I did find it 100x easier to quit IE on OS X compared to the peecee. You start getting the pop-up windows on the Mac and you just tell it to quit (or force quit it). The only way I have found to tell ie to quit on the peecee is to close all the windows (not easy when they keep popping up/open) or to get to the task manager (argh).

Those must be some evil porn sites your visiting Alpha!!!


I'm running a G4 mini-tower with only OSX and Chimera works great for me. I agree it needs more features implemented. IE quits out on me at least once a week.

Re: If IE went away...

Originally posted by chmorley
While IE is the only browser I have that can use Windows Media player correctly

You don't by any chance think that was deliberate to you, considering the M$ employee who testified that he thinks it is M$'s right to make code so that other programs don't work on IE?
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