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Original poster
Jun 18, 2004
So I got a new MacBook a couple of weeks ago and all seemed fine, except I can't get the AV in iChatAV to work through my home ADSL router:mad:

So to try and fix that problem a new ADSL router was bought (it hasn't helped:mad: :mad: ). Typical of OSX everything so far (bar iChat) has 'just worked' proper plug & play no driver issues etc. etc. and my main iTunes library streams from my iMac etc. etc.

Anyway I inserted the CD from the new router just to read through the .pdf support stuff and nothing happened, the CD didn't appear in the finder or on the desktop?? So I hit eject, nothing. So I searched through my desk for a paper clip to straighten only to find no eject hole. Restart with mouse button, nada. Scratched head and had a brainwave, downloaded a track off iTMS and went to burn it so it would eject the CD and prompt for blank media. Only it didn't it just said it couldn't find the optical drive??!!!! So I checked System profiler and sure enough it's not there!!

Is there anything I can do myself or am I going to have to return it??

Thanks in advance.
Hah. Well...I don't think that's a very common situation. Can you tell if there's a drive in there at all, or if it's just broken?

Sounds like it's time for a trip to an apple tech/sending it out to Apple.
I think he would have noticed if there was physically no drive in there-the disk would just be rattling around, and it would have felt funny when inserted.

Question: Did the drive grab the disc when you inserted it, or did you just push it all the way in? That would tell you whether the drive was stone dead, or maybe the data cable just cam loose.

Doesn't matter either way--it's time to take it in to get fixed. That be warranty repair territory. (Unless you're the sort who would rather tear your computer apart and probably void the warranty trying to fix it yourself.)
Makosuke said:
I think he would have noticed if there was physically no drive in there... ...Question: Did the drive grab the disc when you inserted it, or did you just push it all the way in?...
Nah, I had to smash the disc in with my shoe!

Only kidding! The drive accepted the disc as normal and spun up then stopped. So the drive knows it's there and has power.

Thanks anyway, I assumed it'd headed back:(
mpw said:
Nah, I had to smash the disc in with my shoe!

Only kidding! The drive accepted the disc as normal and spun up then stopped. So the drive knows it's there and has power.

Thanks anyway, I assumed it'd headed back:(

You could try soothing and canoodling, though a bit of schmoozing with the aid of that Cosmopolitan might be of assistance, as well.
OutThere said:
You could try soothing and canoodling, though a bit of schmoozing with the aid of that Cosmopolitan might be of assistance, as well.
Probably not a good idea, those cosmopolitans have found my achilles heel. Half a dozen of those and anyone could take me home, anyone who can carry me that is *snores*:D
OK the MB had some exploratory surgery and I've had good news and bad news.

The good news: The superdrive is there and is working

The bad news: It's not being seen 'cause the logic board is knackered.

That's both iBooks and now the MB I've had that've need at least one replacement logic board each:mad: When are Apple gonna start shipping a spare in the box!!?
mpw said:
OK the MB had some exploratory surgery and I've had good news and bad news.

The good news: The superdrive is there and is working

The bad news: It's not being seen 'cause the logic board is knackered.

That's both iBooks and now the MB I've had that've need at least one replacement logic board each:mad: When are Apple gonna start shipping a spare in the box!!?

I had my logic board die on my iBook. Logic board failures taste like cod liver oil.
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