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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 20, 2013
So I have a 2012 MBP, i think its Mojave but not 100% sure.
We think but not 100% sure that File Vault is enabled
It was all fine until yesterday when we turned it on there was no passwrd field on the logon screen

There is a flashing cursor in the top left hand corner, as you type the password sometimes the cursor moves and sometimes it doesnt

I have
reset PRAM
reset SMC
Tried safe mode but the same logon screen with no password field
Tried pressing down to highlight the user then press Option + Return but that does the same as clicking on the user and doesnt show the password field
Booted into Recovery mode and tried to run first aid, it asks for a password which I know is correct but it doesnt not accept it

I then opened Terminal and tried resetpassword and it does this

The only thing left we can think of is to reset the password with Apple ID but we have to find those details first

Are there any other options we can try?

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macrumors G4
Sep 6, 2002
The disk is encrypted and fails to unlock. Try the recovery key you were given when you enabled FileVault.


macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 20, 2013
I'm not sure if I have it written down and even if I did where would I enter it? It has never asked for File Vault recovery key just the password?
Do I enter it in the password field in the second picture?

I have found the Apple ID and password and entered them in the reset password but it says "There was an error connecting to the" and thats it, it is connected to the internet as I can ping websites ok. I have verified the password is correct on another pc

I tried connecting an ethernet cable but it seems only wifi works in recovery mode 🤯🤯
I tried hotspotting from my phone but its the same
I clicked on " Forgot Apple ID or password" and it says "reset password failed. There was an error communicating with icloud"

and I've just found out it is High Sierra not Mojave

So I booted to Internet Recovery and it still doesnt accept my logon password
I click Forgot all passwords and try and sign in with the Apple ID and it says "There was an error connecting to the Apple ID server"
I click Forgot Apple ID or password and it says "you currently have no internet connection" even though I am connected in the top right corner

It was giving the icloud errors because the time and date was incorrect so now it will connect and it actually said "recovering filevault key" then said "the supplied icloud account was unable to unlock this volume" so presume this must have had a different icloud acount on it, AAAAAAAAAAARRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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