last question i promise! how do i prevent the need to enter a password everytime i move a file?... thank you!
lol, you're fine, no worries.
bit more tricky to answer that one. The password will be due to either the destination folder having permissions you need to elevate yourself to write to or the source folder needing them to delete the original. If you try a test of copying a file instead of moving it, and no password is required, then it's the source you need to look at. If it still prompts, it's the destination folder.
If you're moving into your home area, you shouldn't be getting prompted for the writing onto the Studios SSD, which suggests it's the permissions on the source USB disk that are causing it. That could be quite likely if the disk was created on your old iMac, it's permissions could be tied into the old user account which won't be seen as the same account on your Studio (even if the usernames are the same). Have a look at the info for the USB disk, you may need to tweak the permissions to grant yourself write access.