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Original poster
Jan 6, 2002
I just got a B&W Powermac G3 of eBay that is broken, they say when the power is pressed nothing happens so I have a list of things I am going to try and was open to any other ideas.
Can you provide more details, or are you still waiting for it to arrive? A more detailed description of the problem would be helpful. Their description of "nothing happens" could be absolutely no power, or it power button may light up, but no startup chime, or perhaps just no video. Does the fan run? Does it sound as though the hard drive is spinning up? Do any of the LEDs on the logic board light up? Let me know what you have already tried (or will try) and I may have some other suggestions for you.
I do not have the unit as of yet it is on it's way. The description says that nothing happens at all No power no lights no fans nothing. I have a power supply to go in it if that is the case but was hoping for a better sollution.
Do you have any idea how knowledgeable the seller is? It could be something as simple as the voltage switch - i.e. 110/220 - on the back of the unit. Once in my experience it has been the power cord itself. Very obvious to many of us, but there are users out there that haven't a clue.

I don't check here often, but when you have the unit in hand post again with what you find out. Definitely look at the logic board when starting up to see which LEDs (if any) are lit. The power supply is not that difficult to replace, but may not be necessary.
indeed I did think about what You said Thank You I will post again when I get the unit
O.K I have the unit in front of me here is a list of green led's

DS9 (Only when PM button pressed)

The power supply is running I can hear it and it powers another Mac. But that is all I hear No Chime and nothing on the screen The pram batt is good and the ram is good the only thing is the Hard Disk is missing but it would still chime right??
Apple Tech Articles

Hopefully the following Apple knowledge base articles will be of some help. The first one is for a symptom of "Screen is Black, No Startup Tone, No LED" (no LED referring to the power LED on the front of the tower). Not sure why, but it doesn't take you into any troubleshooting for the power supply. You can find it here:

The second article is for the symptom of "The Computer Will Not Turn On." This article does provide documentation for verifying the power supply and trickle voltage to the logic board. You can find it here:

As far as the LEDs go, double-check the labeling. There are a total of 7 - DS1, DS4, DS5, DS6, DS7, DS8 & DS9.

DS7 & DS8 are the most important ones, and should both be on or both off. You didn't mention DS7 in your list - it is located on the left side of the logic board, kind of between the lower end of the hard drive data cable connector and the upper end of the power supply connector.

DS1 inidicates ATA drive activity, and normally shouldn't be on except for a few seconds at startup, and if a hard drive is on the ATA bus it will flicker indicating drive activity. It is located a few inches above DS7, right next to the upper IDE cable connection and to the left of the PCI slot. This should not be on continuously, and if it is it may be an indication of ATA bus problems.

DS4 & DS5 are USB power indicators. On indicates power is being provided to downstream USB ports. They can be on even without USB devices attached, but SHOULD be on if there is a device attached. They are located a couple of inches below the USB port at the back side of the logic board.

DS6 indicates Ultra ATA bus activity. It is located right above DS7.

DS9 indicates that the CPU is requesting the bus. It is not normally as bright as the others, and only lights for short time periods when the CPU has requested the bus. This seems to me to be in line with your note that it is on only when the PM button is pressed.

Finally, you should still hear the startup chime. Lack of hard drive would produce a blinking ?, but you should still get a startup chime and display.

Hope this is of some help. Good luck.
The ATA and DS7 and USB power do light up I just forgot to add them to the list. I tested the Powersupply via the Apple Knoledge Base article in with You provided the Power Supply is good. Also I placed the Video Card in a old Performa and it works fine as well I also moved the Video card to one of the 33Mhz PCi slots on the B & W and still nothing I did notice that the programers button on the front looks like it is depressed I will attempt to repair and see what happens. Thank You for Your Help
The programmer's button is supposed to be slightly depressed. If you power supply is good, then your problem is likely something on the logic board (or the board itself.) Have you gone throught the first five steps on article #95155? One recommendation is to make sure you follow Apple's directions exactly. It's easy to overlook something that seems relatively minor like unplugging from power source before hitting the CUDA reset. You mentioned previously that the power supply powered up another system. Do you have another B&W that you can swap parts with?
I am going to try and get a new 400Mhz ZIFF and see if that is the problem. I reset the Logicboard tested the powersupply, reseated the proc, reseated the Grahics board and still nothing. The jumper settings in the little blue thing are in the right spot so I dont know I tried removing the Firewire box,nothing I used Ram that I know works I just don't know. I will get a new Proc and see what happens
Well After 2 hours of noting but taking the stupi thing apart and putting it back together I have made it chime and search for a Startup folder Now its time to buy a new Hard Drive Thank You very Much for Your help
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