I restored the iPhone and I'm gonna attempt to jailbreak it again without the sim card. How do I activate it though.
Don't panic. I had the same issue with my iphone when I used iliberty+ to jailbreak my phone. I Don't have the application at work but I will reply once I get home.
OK. Thanks for your help.
Have you tried a full settings reset yet? settings>general>reset all settings can fix issues like that immediately after a jailbreak.
If that doesn't work then we need more information...
First of all what network are you on? did you unlock as well? Is the phone brand new? did you click on activate as well?
When you open the application you will see three tabs below the tool bar. Make sure you click on the advanced tab and hit the refresh button on the bottom right corner. Once the application has completed downloading the updates there will be an update that is title: Fix for No Signal, No Wifi, No Bluetooth. Make sure you install this update and it will fix your issue. Good Luck.
What network are you using? Is the phone already activated?
If you using the SIM that came with the phone you do have to sign up first before it works.
We need more detail.
Your not being specific enough to give an answer that will solve the problem! and we don't know what else you have tried? if you tried restoring and jailbreaking again or not etc...
I have an iPhone 3G that I just jailbroke (if that's a word) successfully with QuickPwn. After that was done, I have no service, and cannot make phone calls... connection fails. In the Settings > General > About > Carrier section it says (null) (null). I'm using AT&T and have had service for the past few weeks w/o a problem. If jailbreaking is going to be this big of a hassel, I may just restore it back to how it's supposed to be (I used a different computer and all the correct settings are on another one), but if someone has some advice, that would be great! If you need more details, please let me know what I ya may need.