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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 12, 2008
I just got a brand new first generation iphone from apple. I tried using quickpwn to unlock and jailbreak 2.1. After the process is complete I put my sim card in and the signal bars just stay flat and eventually it says no signal. Anyone know what might be wrong?
I just got a brand new first generation iphone from apple. I tried using quickpwn to unlock and jailbreak 2.1. After the process is complete I put my sim card in and the signal bars just stay flat and eventually it says no signal. Anyone know what might be wrong?

Try Quickpwn with sim card in or try to reboot after sim card is inserted (jaibroke cousin's iphone with same results) hope this helps
how do i fix this problem? I tried doing redoing it with the sim in and restarting it but niether did anything. anyone have any other solutions?
how do i fix this problem? I tried doing redoing it with the sim in and restarting it but niether did anything. anyone have any other solutions?
Restore your phone as normal with sim card and activate it.

Then quickpwn the phone.
But quickpwn unlocks and jailbreaks the iphone so I don't have to activate it through itunes.
Jaibreak again, and this time, don't check the "Activate" box.

That is for users of unathorized networks only.
same problem w/ 3G

i have the same problem with my 3G iphone using pwnage 2.2. i have tried it about 4 times now.... it finishes and reboot's and everything works just fine except i dont have service. i tried a complete restore to default and then tried to jailbreak and same deal. suggestions?
i have the same problem with my 3G iphone using pwnage 2.2. i have tried it about 4 times now.... it finishes and reboot's and everything works just fine except i dont have service. i tried a complete restore to default and then tried to jailbreak and same deal. suggestions?
Did you DFU it?
Using quickpwn it does everything automatically and it tells you when to put the phone in DFU mode. I've used it before on 2.1 and i just tried it using 2.2 and neither are working. Its gives me the same problem.
ok trying it now... on 2.1 it worked just fine like that... oh specs... pwnage 2.2 osX 10.5.5 itunes 8.0.2.... i'll post back and let you know what happened
He's using Quickpwn on what I think is a Mac. It activates and unlocks.

I used QuickPwn for 2.1 on Mac, and I "think" I remember unchecking the box. However, I could be thinking of the time before, on 2.0, when I used PwnageTool.

I'm not at home at the moment, but I'll be using QuickPwn for 2.2 when I get home. :)
now i used pwnage tool 2.2... bt now i'm having another problem with my wife's phone... good ol' error 1600 when trying to restore to jailbroke fimware... any suggestions?
I still can't seem to get quickpwn to get my first gen iphone to work properly. still getting no signal....
I used QuickPwn last night, and you guys are right--The "Activate" box isn't there.

The only other thing that I can think for you to try is PwnageTool.
so i ended up using pwnagetool and it worked out fine except my iphone's harddrive capacity went down from 7.1gb to 6.6gb. Anyone else notice this problem with pwnagetool vs quickpwn or is this just because of 2.2?
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