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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 15, 2009
OK, I spilled some Crystal Light on a counter where my iPhone 3G was and it got slightly wet. (One time I turned the ringer switched off and had someone point that out to me) I didn't think the iPhone was harmed because it wasn't very wet. I put a hand towel around it, took the Incipio gel case off first, and waited a while.

I hit the Home button and it started as usual. I checked eBay and the site was working. I noticed no clicking sounds however. I've done my diligent search of the Forum and read about the liquid sensor, but can see nothing pink anywhere.

I went into Settings>Sounds>Ringtone (they all make their sounds). I then checked "New Text Message", no sounds from any of them. Down from there, "New Voicemail" to "Keyboard Clicks" are all "On", but I'm not getting the clicks. I tried to listen to a song in iPod and no sound. I tried an app with sounds, nothing. Ringtones work, but no sound when making a phone call.

Any ideas?
OK, some progress. (Thanks for looking)

I noticed when I tried turning up the volume it had "(headphones)" so I plugged in headphones (never used them before) and the iPod works, as well as other sounds.

How do I change it from Headphone mode to Speaker mode?

Thanks! Sorry for the newb question. Still learning and maybe will help someone else sometime.
Try a restore. If the speaker is working and playing some sounds, it isn't a hardware issue and the water damage wasn't damage. You can check the sensors with a flashlight and a magnifying glass. There is one down the headphone jack and in the 30 pin connector at the bottom. They should be white if they were not set off and redish-pink if set off.

Try a restore. If the speaker is working and playing some sounds, it isn't a hardware issue and the water damage wasn't damage. You can check the sensors with a flashlight and a magnifying glass. There is one down the headphone jack and in the 30 pin connector at the bottom. They should be white if they were not set off and redish-pink if set off.


Thanks David. Everything's white (thank god). But I posted in the iPhone Forum because I was getting limited responses here. But someone recommended a reset and it worked immediately afterward. If you ever get a funky situation, reset the iPhone.
Thanks David. Everything's white (thank god). But I posted in the iPhone Forum because I was getting limited responses here. But someone recommended a reset and it worked immediately afterward. If you ever get a funky situation, reset the iPhone.

Yeah, a reset is the easiest attempted solution, then you have to try restore and go from there, i.e. seeing if there is a hardware issue and fixing it if it isn't under warranty.

Thanks for the info on the headphone thing!

So, today was MY DAY to drop my iPhone into the toilet while cleaning up after my puppy - nasty yeah...
I dove in for it immediately, so it was probably only in there for 1 sec, it had a plastic case on it too. It turned on normally, and the touchscreen was perfect, but unfortunately no sound no mic functioning. I found this thread and the headphone thing worked for me! I was so happy that it wasnt totally damaged. Luckily I found this thread because I noticed that only my ringtones were making sounds. The 2 visible water sensors were still I had some hope, and then after some tapping the water out (from basically freaking out), and maybe 10 minutes of blow dryer, and then just leaving it on the table for an hour, it started working normal! I had a phone call and answered it, forgetting that it was out of commision, and then WOO! I'm Lucky... Hopefully stays working...
Ok, glad to hear you got everything working! Just for anyone else reading this thread:

If you happen to drop you iPhone in any liquid and it gets wet at all, do not turn it on! Immediately dry it off and stick it in a container of rice and let it sit there for at least 24 hours. The rice will absorb the moisture. Every so often mix the rice around so the rice around the iPhone that has absorbed any liquid will be moved and dry rice will take it's spot. Then you can try to turn you iPhone on. If it doesn't work you have a busted iPhone and you can do whatever you want with it. If you don't want to buy a new one, I suggest sending it into iResQ or trying the fix yourself with parts from PDAParts or Mission Repair.

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