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Original poster
Feb 17, 2012
I installed a couple of APP from Tweakbox on my iPad-3, It was working fine for a while then suddenly after a while my iPad Speakers stopped giving any sound, though I can listen to sound using headphones, only the speakers are not working? What could have gone wrong ? Could it be because of any Rogue APP from Tweakbox ?Can a Rogue APP cause this hardware issue ?
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Aside from the usual things like - have you checked the mute switch, tried a restart, removed the tweaks, reinitialized your device (last resort) then I'd suggest you repost this in the Jailbreaks forum with the list of the tweaks\apps you installed.

Given that you're jailbroken then that may be a better avenue for you.
Aside from the usual things like - have you checked the mute switch, tried a restart, removed the tweaks, reinitialized your device (last resort) then I'd suggest you repost this in the Jailbreaks forum with the list of the tweaks\apps you installed.

Given that you're jailbroken then that may be a better avenue for you.

I am using Tweakbox APP without Jailbroken. I am not Jailbroken !! You can use Tweakbox APPS even without being Jailbroken !! There is no special procedure to use TweakBox APP ! You just have to install it and you are good to go.It just has tweaked APPS for most of the Major APPS.
I am using Tweakbox APP without Jailbroken. I am not Jailbroken !! You can use Tweakbox APPS even without being Jailbroken !! There is no special procedure to use TweakBox APP ! You just have to install it and you are good to go.It just has tweaked APPS for most of the Major APPS.

Interesting - I'd associated it with being Jailbroken. My bad.

That said, you tried the other things I suggested?

Including reinitializing your device from scratch so it starts up in a factory fresh state? If so then it's a hardware issue.

Only time I've heard of any app causing sound issues with iOS are the ones that allow you, once JailBroken, to increase the volume level beyond safe limits. Since you say you're not JB'd then that rules that out.
Including reinitializing your device from scratch so it starts up in a factory fresh state? If so then it's a hardware issue.

Only time I've heard of any app causing sound issues with iOS are the ones that allow you, once JailBroken, to increase the volume level beyond safe limits. Since you say you're not JB'd then that rules that out.

Ok so you are saying that a chance of because of any rogue APP doing this is minimal ? Then what would of call it coincidental that I installed that APP and this happened, even without installing that APP the speakers on my iPad were aged, and cracking and distorting but still they were giving some sound output but now they have completely gone mute. So you are saying an APP cannot cause it even I have not installed it from the APP store ?
Ok so you are saying that a chance of because of any rogue APP doing this is minimal ? Then what would of call it coincidental that I installed that APP and this happened, even without installing that APP the speakers on my iPad were aged, and cracking and distorting but still they were giving some sound output but now they have completely gone mute. So you are saying an APP cannot cause it even I have not installed it from the APP store ?

Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying.

You are mistaking correlation with cause. Even Jailbroken tweaks can have a hard time causing physical damage.

Coincidence is exactly just that.

It was working fine for a while then suddenly after a while my iPad Speakers stopped giving any sound

the speakers on my iPad were aged, and cracking and distorting

What amazes me here is that now - after several posts - you've even gone as far as admitting that the speakers were already crackling and distorting - even before all this. Don't you think that may have been important to mention at the outset? Your first post and this most recent post do not jive together. Either a) Your speakers where fine at which point this is somewhat usual and maybe OS related (hence the hard reset) or b) The were already on their way out and today was the day they fin ally died. Can't have it both ways.

Listen, I've tried to help you and you're getting very defensive and seem to be changing your story and nor do I even believe you've done that full reset, so I'm going to walk away from this conversation since it's obvious you're not interested in my offers of assistance.
How long have you had the iPad? If less then a year I would call Apple and see if they will replace it. Odds are the speaker was on its way out. I’ve been using these tweaks apps for way over a year now. Back on my iPhone 7 and now on my iPhone X. Never had this or any problems other then a few movies being a little blurry. Since they haven’t been out that long.
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