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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 28, 2009
Alright well b/c of me being an idiot I had to restore/re-jailbreak my phone earlier. I SSH'ed into the phone to put my old theme back into winterboard, and there is no folder there for winterboard anymore :confused: Does anyone know why this could be and how to get it back? I tried to create a folder called winterboard with a folder inside named "themes" and place the theme in there but it does not show on the phone even after this...wth?

Alright well b/c of me being an idiot I had to restore/re-jailbreak my phone earlier. I SSH'ed into the phone to put my old theme back into winterboard, and there is no folder there for winterboard anymore :confused: Does anyone know why this could be and how to get it back? I tried to create a folder called winterboard with a folder inside named "themes" and place the theme in there but it does not show on the phone even after this...wth?


Because you haven't yet installed WinterBoard after you re-jailbroke?
lol if that were the case I would go jump off my balcony...winterboard is installed on the phone and working (meaning I can use all the stuff in there currently, just don't know how to get anything else in there unless I solely DL through cydia)
lol if that were the case I would go jump off my balcony...winterboard is installed on the phone and working (meaning I can use all the stuff in there currently, just don't know how to get anything else in there unless I solely DL through cydia)

Folder should be located in /root/Library/Themes

Just drop your theme folder into the "Themes" folder.
There's no folder called that, if I make one will it automatically put it in winterboard?
There's no folder called that, if I make one will it automatically put it in winterboard?

I am assuming you know how to SSH, correct? Cause when logging in via SSH, (you may use CyberDuck if you're on a Mac, i use WinSCP on Windows) as soon as you log in it should dump you right into the /root folder. If not, browse to the /root folder, then browse the "Library" folder inside that and there should be a folder shortcut inside that which says "Themes," and that is the folder you put your other theme folders into. If you do not have that, I have no idea what else to do, lol...
Yeah that folder isn't there :( Now that I think about it I didn't see my mewseek folder anywhere either while searching...maybe I'll just restore and re-jailbreak later this week.
I had the same problem recently, and I found that my themes folder was in the "stash" folder. Not sure if this helps but try looking for the stash folder.
thanks kufu and jimmy83, looked in stash and low and behold there's a themes folder!
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