I have a hex core 2010 MP with the standard 5770. I also have the other 3 PCIe slots filled with a UAD-2 Duo DSP card (audio signal processing), a Newer Tech SAS card and a USB/FW400 card. Both the UAD and the SAS card appear to throw off about 5 watts or so each in heat load. Based on some Windows tests I found online, the 5770 idles at about 140W, going up to 200 or so under "gaming load". The GTX-570 looked to be slightly higher at idle, but about 50% higher under load.
I should also point out my PCI slot 1 temp sensor reads over 70C when Handbrake is going full tilt if I don't bump the PCI fan up a few hundred RPM with iStat. Even at idle, I think the temp is at least 50C.
While I would like to use a hacked GTX-570 card to get additional acceleration for CS6, I do not want to run the temps up even more or have to run the GFX card fan at high speed. As it is, the 5770 kicks its fan into overdrive every so often when I'm running Handbrake jobs due to the temp in the PCI bay.
Anyone have any fan noise and temp rise data that has changed video cards?
I am also concerned about the reported temps - is this normal for a 5770 or is the reduced airflow from a full card cage part of the problem? I need to pull the other cards out and see what happened to the temps, I guess.
I should also point out my PCI slot 1 temp sensor reads over 70C when Handbrake is going full tilt if I don't bump the PCI fan up a few hundred RPM with iStat. Even at idle, I think the temp is at least 50C.
While I would like to use a hacked GTX-570 card to get additional acceleration for CS6, I do not want to run the temps up even more or have to run the GFX card fan at high speed. As it is, the 5770 kicks its fan into overdrive every so often when I'm running Handbrake jobs due to the temp in the PCI bay.
Anyone have any fan noise and temp rise data that has changed video cards?
I am also concerned about the reported temps - is this normal for a 5770 or is the reduced airflow from a full card cage part of the problem? I need to pull the other cards out and see what happened to the temps, I guess.