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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 1, 2004
im trying to make a batch action to remove the noise from a whole set of wrestling pictures i took this weekend and have run into some trouble.

my first problem is the save dialogs, after the save step in the action, a dialog comes up asking what quality of jpeg i want to save. how do i include that in the action or get rid of it so the action can keep going?

the second problem is with noise ninja. in the action, noise ninja keeps using the [previous profile] on every image. how do i make the action re-profile each image so it removes the noise better?

does anyone have any experience and help on this?
thanks a ton


macrumors 6502
Mar 17, 2005
Just keep the action going, I mean don't stop recording before the save dialog boxes. It will record your save settings and apply them to the other images as well.

Better yet, use the batch processor. Either from within Bridge or under File<Automate<Batch. There you can vary the saving, and also splitt it from your action.

You can also click that little toggle dialog box on/off switch, next to the toggle Item on/off switch.


macrumors 68000
Feb 12, 2005
Caracas, Venezuela
Stop recording the action only when you finised saving. And the only way I can think of to apply a different Noise Ninja profile to each pic is to group them by ISO in different folders and batch apply an action to each folder.


macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 1, 2004
thanks for the reply. i fixed the noise ninja problem but the save is still and issue. i tried turning on the override and tried to save in another folder, but the dialog kept coming up, forcing me to hit ok. i thought there was a preference somewhere to skip this jpeg save question window altogether but can not find it now. this batch has about 200 shots in it and i could use this action over and over to save a ton of time if i can just set it to go. i might need to note that i am using the cs3 beta.
thanks for the help


macrumors 6502
Mar 17, 2005
Its like I said above :cool: , dont do the save stuff within the actions. Use the batch processor! And you get no more dialogboxes.

But if you must, toggle the dialog box off!

Over Achiever

macrumors 68000
If you have the save as part of your action, do this:

In your File -> Automate -> Batch popup, choose folder as your destination, then browse to your save folder. Then check the override "Save As" commands ... you shouldn't get any dialogs then.

I just batched processed my raw files with noise ninja and curves-medium contrast, then saved as jpeg quality 10, then closed the file as part of my process. No save dialogs popped up.
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