As long as the buckle is dark and not stainless steel. Here’s my gold ss with a shell cordovan band. The shell is natural. I have a wallet in the same natural and the patina is pretty nice. I’m hoping this patinas just as nice.
I changed my mind and copped this shell cordovan color #8 strap from E3. Cost me like 90 bucks after discount and shipping to Canada. I wanted the arrow and board porter shell cordovan whiskey watch band but I guess they stopped making/selling them. That would have been like 200 bucks so pretty expensive.
I changed my mind and copped this shell cordovan color #8 strap from E3. Cost me like 90 bucks after discount and shipping to Canada. I wanted the arrow and board porter shell cordovan whiskey watch band but I guess they stopped making/selling them. That would have been like 200 bucks so pretty expensive.