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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 2, 2009
Hi there,
I really need some help here. I just got an Iphone on craigslist, and i have a att&t prepaid sim card. I was having trouble recieving calls with it, so i figured it needs to be re jailbroken or reactivated. So i tried to do just that, ended up screwing it up (you know being a noob and all), so i did a restore. The restore worked fine but then i can't get past the activation screen, it won't let me do anything. I have been trying to Jailbreak it again but i haven't had any luck with any hacking program iactivator/quickpwn/redsnow. I really need some help here nothing seems to be working. i believe that the firmware was 3.0.1 but since the restore i have no way of knowing what firmware it is. PLEASE HELP.
alright, since i thought it needed to be rejailbroken or reunlocked, i restored it with itunes to factory settings. It is now currently at screen where it wants you to activate it. So i went to a bunch of sites and youtube videos on how to jailbreak/unlock/activate this thing. First one i tried was iactivator......that said it had a problem dectecting DFU mode even though i put it in DFU mode, and itunes even recognized that. Second one i tried was ziphone, that said"USBMuxListenerCreate: Unknown error: 0". After that one didn't work i tried redsn0w but that said it would not recognize the right iphone firmware. I am using iphone 1,1_3.0_7A341_restore.ipsw. So as of right now i am stuck at the activation screen, so this thing is a useless to me as a warm bucket of spit. Whatever way i can jailbreak it or unlock it or activate it to work with gophone service without at&t shutting me off would be preferable. Thanks in advance. PS: sorry i posted all those threads, noob at forums, didn't know that was frowned apon.
I restored it with itunes now just like iclarified said to do....i then started using redsn0w, but redsnow just stopps responding when it gets to waiting for reboot. The iphone just sits there doing nothing and don't reboot like it should. I have the iphone in recovery mode.
I restored it with itunes now just like iclarified said to do....i then started using redsn0w, but redsnow just stopps responding when it gets to waiting for reboot. The iphone just sits there doing nothing and don't reboot like it should. I have the iphone in recovery mode.

Unplug the cable and plug back in. :)

From the Dev Team's Website:
You can use redsn0w to jailbreak any iPhone or iPod Touch using OS X, Windows, or Linux. For both 3.0 and 3.0.1 firmwares, you should point redsn0w at the 3.0 IPSW. If you see it hang at “waiting for reboot”, just unplug and replug that USB cable.
Thanks man its finally jailbreaking, but i feel that there will be more problems on the way with my luck
hey guys, everything seems to be working at the moment except for one problem, the earpeice volume is way too low, i can barely hear anything and the speaker is not much better than that. Any ideas
do you know

if there problem is the jailbreak or the iphone? I would have restored the phone to 3.0.1 made sure everything was working right and then Jailbroke it that's one of the problems with craigslist you have to trust your seller which is a complete stranger. are they honest? do they know anything? might have to restore it again. :(

other that with out know what programs you installed jailbreak kind of hard for anybody to help.
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