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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 12, 2009
Hey guys,

I'm currently learning Objective C and have a question about asterisk placement (I generally understand pointers using asterisks to declare them). In the book I'm reading (iPhone Development for Dummies) the asterisk is placed differently a few times, and I'm not sure why. Could someone tell me why it's in different locations in the following examples?

NSString* blah
(NSString *) blah
IBOutlet UITextfield *textField

And also why there is no asterisk in the following statement?

CGRect rect = self.view.frame;

Thanks for reading!
In not the order you asked:
CGRect is a structure, and that's a local instance. You can have pointers to structures on the heap or local instances, though in Foundation most struct *s are typedef'd to TypeRef (i.e. CGRectRef) so you don't have *s about when dealing with structures, to delineate from Objects.

NSString* blah
IBOutlet UITextfield *textField

These two just show a difference in style. I prefer that the * go with the varaible like the second example, for this reason:
int *x,y,z,a;
in this case, if you put the * next to int, it might mislead one into thinking everything is an int *, instead of x being an int * and y,z, and a being ints.

(NSString *) blah
In this case, i would expect to see this in the signature of a class or object method. In this case, the types are always parenthesized. If you saw this in another context, that would be odd.

An important thing to remember when programming in Objective-C (and most other languages) is that whitespace is meaningless. All you need to do is make sure that keywords are kept together. int and in t are different for instance.

int* x;
int * x;
int *x;

are all exactly the same. I could write it as:

int     *        x         ;

if I wanted and it would still be fine.
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