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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jul 17, 2001
NJ Highlands, Earth
This is a follow-up to all of those who provided me some great advice this past summer for doing my very first "Wedding Gig" for my Niece's wedding.

I know that some of you guys are Pro's and you took some of your free time to help me out - you didn't have to do it, but you did anyway. It really was appreciated.

In talking with my niece last night, I was told that some of her girlfriends who are looking at getting married soon and they wanted to know who her wedding photographer was, so they they could hire him (ie, me!).

My neice explained that it was her Yncle/Godfather who did it with <2 weeks notice, for free, had to drive down from NJ, etc, etc, so it was unlikely that they could convince me to start doing it as a side business and so forth. I honestly appreciated that response, because once was enough: I really do *not* want to get into this as a side business (I probably had 25+ weekends away from home this past year).

But upon hearing this, I did remember there were some real Pros on this group that had helped me out.

So if anyone's potentially interested in some possible future work, let me know. I've pretty much already said all I know; I'll put you in touch through my neice.

Thanks again,


Clix Pix

macrumors Core
The song is Tracy Chapman's "The Promise," from the New Beginning CD. I found this info while browsing through the site and reading Joylyn's blog.

By the way, although technically she IS in Northern VA, it's not the close-in suburbs, she's out in Loudoun County, VA, which is a little different, not quite as urban. Gorgeous country out there!


macrumors 68000
Jun 6, 2007
Planet Earth
The song is Tracy Chapman's "The Promise," from the New Beginning CD. I found this info while browsing through the site and reading Joylyn's blog.

Thanks Clix, thought it was Tracy Chapman, but wasn't sure my musical guru (the wife) wasn't around to confirm and now I feel lazy for not reading the whole site.
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