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loki san hitleson

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 25, 2018
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Recently had MacBook pro not able to boot into macOS Mojave 10.14.x.
running latest 10.14.5 and no significant updates were performed within the last week.

After a restart yesterday, macbook would not boot into the login screen. It occurs between the FV login and before the login screen appears.

I've done quite a number of things, but try booting up in verbose mode (Command+V). The following message keeps looping in verbose mode for me:

IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 0, llk 1,
IOConsoleUsers: GIOScreenLockState 3, hs 0, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0

Another message about 'WindowServer died pid ### WS count 0' where ### increases.

Occurred on an old 2008-2012 MacBook Pro

Tried the following without success of boot:
  • Booting into Safe Mode (Shift+S) (Hangs in same 60-80% with flashing Gear Wheel every few seconds)
  • Remove .AppleSetupDone (/var/db/.AppleSetupDone) (Allows language selection but pinwheels and re-loops to language selection)
  • Reinstalling macOS 10.14.x over current installation (Command+R)
  • boots in target disk mode and is able to boot from Utility Drive or other devices in Target Disk Mode
  • Deleting mbr_cache forcing macOS to rebuild cache files for booting
  • Disk Utility First Aid and fsck -fy in Single User Mode

Contacted Apple Care and walked through most of the same steps as listed above and was informed to take it to a Genius Bar for further troubleshooting.

Any thoughts?
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