Well sort of. I still have a PC laptop and three PC's at home but I bought my first mac two weeks ago and I'm loving it. I run a bunch of motorcycle websites/forums and the mac with FF has really opened up some new doors for me. I'm starting to do screen capture videos now to show folks how to load avatars and pictures and such. Guess I could have figured that out on the pc but it was just so easy on the mac.
I bought the 20" imac with the 2gig's of ram. Plenty fast for what I do. I added another monitor too so I could use one screen for admin stuff and the other for surfing. I went with the 19" Flatron w1952tq by LG. I'm really happy with it too and for $170 bucks it's a bargin.
One thing I did do the other day was I cut a slot in my desk so I could drop the screen on the imac all the way down on the desktop. Now my imac and my LG are both at the same level and I don't have to look up at the screen on the imac.
Been searching for good software for the stuff I do everyday and found some pretty cool stuff for the mac.
FTP- I used ftp_pro on my pc and it worked fine for me but when I went looking for a good ftp program for the mac I found that not all ftp software is the same. As a matter of fact there were some huge speed differances in the ftp programs. Some were painfully slow and other were just okay.
Then I stumbled on a program called Fetch. This thing is mac fast. It's so fast that when I do a upload I have to watch the progress bar to make sure it loaded. I love this program and my pc never loaded anything this fast.
I kind of sux at html and I cut my teeth on MS Frontpage. I tried a bunch of wysiwyg html editors and so far I really like KompoZer. To me it's not as easy to use as FP but it will do what I need to do and that's mostly create html code so I can paste it into my forum apps.
The screen video capture I'm using is called iShowU. Once again a great program and has already paid for itself time wise. Now when someone ask me how to post a picture or a sig pic I just point them to the video. If a picture is worth a 1000 words then a video is worth 10,000.
Safari was okay but I'm lovin Firefox on the mac. It's pretty much doing everything I need and then some.
Got any apps you want to recommend? I'm totaly new to this mac world but I think this is the world I'm going to stay in. Thanks for a great forum.
I bought the 20" imac with the 2gig's of ram. Plenty fast for what I do. I added another monitor too so I could use one screen for admin stuff and the other for surfing. I went with the 19" Flatron w1952tq by LG. I'm really happy with it too and for $170 bucks it's a bargin.
One thing I did do the other day was I cut a slot in my desk so I could drop the screen on the imac all the way down on the desktop. Now my imac and my LG are both at the same level and I don't have to look up at the screen on the imac.
Been searching for good software for the stuff I do everyday and found some pretty cool stuff for the mac.
FTP- I used ftp_pro on my pc and it worked fine for me but when I went looking for a good ftp program for the mac I found that not all ftp software is the same. As a matter of fact there were some huge speed differances in the ftp programs. Some were painfully slow and other were just okay.
Then I stumbled on a program called Fetch. This thing is mac fast. It's so fast that when I do a upload I have to watch the progress bar to make sure it loaded. I love this program and my pc never loaded anything this fast.
I kind of sux at html and I cut my teeth on MS Frontpage. I tried a bunch of wysiwyg html editors and so far I really like KompoZer. To me it's not as easy to use as FP but it will do what I need to do and that's mostly create html code so I can paste it into my forum apps.
The screen video capture I'm using is called iShowU. Once again a great program and has already paid for itself time wise. Now when someone ask me how to post a picture or a sig pic I just point them to the video. If a picture is worth a 1000 words then a video is worth 10,000.
Safari was okay but I'm lovin Firefox on the mac. It's pretty much doing everything I need and then some.
Got any apps you want to recommend? I'm totaly new to this mac world but I think this is the world I'm going to stay in. Thanks for a great forum.