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macrumors 68040
Original poster
May 6, 2004
What's Your Favorite Posish
I've been so busy lately, what with the business, the redesign of my site and other bits and pieces that I've just not have chance/time/inclination to pick up the camera and shoot.

However, I got a spare few minutes and picked the camera up, took a couple of shots and here is what I took.




Excuse the cheesy spot colour..... just couldn't help myself.


Moderator emeritus
Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
LOL I'm no selective coloring fan, but when it's your own baby, then it's quite understandable. :D I love the first one too, in particular. :) The eyelashes are just gorgeous! :D


macrumors 68040
Original poster
May 6, 2004
What's Your Favorite Posish
mkrishnan said:
LOL I'm no selective coloring fan, but when it's your own baby, then it's quite understandable.

Yeah, I'm not really a fan of selective colour, some people use it as a blanket statement though, which comes from its over use and bad use by starter photographers... I think used well, it can be pretty decent. It is almost as though some people don't like selective colour and can't look passed it so dislike the photograph... I find it a little naive occasionally (not here of course, i'm talking in general)

Just as I thought I was above selective colour ;)


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
I think the 2nd photo woud have come out better if you didn't use selective colouring. There aren't too many instances where it enhances the photo, and personally, I only like selective colouring of the eyes (like in your photos), but usually only if the colour is very light and mild, like a very light green or something.


macrumors 68040
Original poster
May 6, 2004
What's Your Favorite Posish
Abstract said:
There aren't too many instances where it enhances the photo

I disagree. Don't get me wrong - I don't use it often (well, not black and white to colour anyway) but it is often used to dull down the colours of things you need to hide in a photo and to slightly and subtly accentuate things.

I don't use it in any of my clients work, but occasional use it for private stuff like this. I just don't like the way it is almost used to demean a photographer, especially on the main photographic boards (unless used completely inappropriately of course). It is a bit to much of a generalization now in my opinion.

This is just a bit of fun and I think it works, especially in a tight crop like number 3.


macrumors 65816
Jul 14, 2005
Number 1 is definitely my favorite. It has more physical depth and expression to me that the others. More interesting shadows also.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
That first one is lovely..... however I would remove the watermark or put it in a less noticeable place, as it's detracting from the child's soft, delicate cheek.... I also would forget about the selective coloring bit: to me that detracts terribly!

Ooh, those eyelashes....!!!!


macrumors 6502
Jun 22, 2005
oh man, feel free to get after me for this, but is there an article you could direct me too or a quick rundown you could give me on how to do selective color.

i am shooting some portraits this weekend and they have already expressed interest in some of this. I didnt really want to and in my brain that kinda led me not to figure out how to do it. whoops.

anyway, thanks in advance.
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