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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Nov 19, 2003
My iPhone was previously unlocked using the 1.4 software however i mistakenly updated to 2.1 and im having a frustrating time unlocking the thing again.

I am on Mac 10.5.5, using PwnageTool 2.1, and have a 2g 4gb iPhone. When going through the process, Pwnage asks me to find bootloader 3.9. I've downloaded from several sources, none of them seem to work. I get the message "Sorry, but that does not appear to be the proper file. Would you like to browse for Bootloader V3.9 file again?"

What am i doing wrong? Im going on an international trip in a couple days and i would appreciate help.
Just jailbreak and hacktivate, and then download BootNeuter from Cydia, which comes with the right files.
I did Jailbreak the thing with QuickPwn1.1 but i am not looking to only jailbreak but to also unlock. I'll try what you suggested, thanks.

THis has been a week long process and its getting kinda frustrating.

BTW can you please explain to me what hacktivate is?
OK so...

i jailbroke my phone using QuickPwn 1.1...

installed bootneuter...

installed bootloader 3.9 and 4.6...

now its recognizing the tmobile sim by displaying tmobile next to the signal meter however it also says "Different SIMdetected Please connect to iTunes".

Now what?
That means you didn't hacktivate the phone. Hacktivating it patches the lockdownd file on the iPhone and bypasses all of the itunes activation stuff. You should be able to rerun QuickPwn or find a app in Cydia to do this.
Sorry to be a pain in the ass but can you please help me find the app in Cydia? I searched all the apps and i couldnt find anything. And QuickPwn 1.1 is a pretty straight forward program, i didnt find any option to "hacktivate" or anything similar.
Sorry to be a pain in the ass but can you please help me find the app in Cydia? I searched all the apps and i couldnt find anything. And QuickPwn 1.1 is a pretty straight forward program, i didnt find any option to "hacktivate" or anything similar.

I dont know if there is one, but there was back in the 1.x days.

I have not used QuickPwn since it came out, but I think it hacktivated your phone automatically if it was not activated already.

Are you running the latest version of pwnage tool? It should find your bootloader files on its own if you put them in the same folder. Make sure they are named BL-46.bin and BL-39.bin.
Still cant get it...

I finally got Pwnagetool 2.1 to work by placing it in the applications folder.

- I use expert mode
- select iPhone1,1_2.1_5F136
- click general
- unclick activate iphone
- click neuter bootloader, update bootloader 4.6, unlock baseband, auto delete
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