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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 26, 2010
But has anyone else's local Apple store quit displaying Mac Pro's?

I stopped by mine a few weeks back, and a single lonely Mac Pro was on display. Today, stopped in to get a gift for the parents...and it was gone, and in it's iMac....

(hoping there is at least one more round of refreshes so I can get one last Mac Pro.....)
Bright Spot in the Gloom....

our Mac Pros will be going UP in value if this truly signals end of life.
Just wanted to add..

While Mac Pro's are not what people are shopping for during the holiday isn't as if the single unit (and accompanying Thunderbolt display) was taking up a large area of space...there were already several 27" iMacs on display....which is why adding one more didn't make sense...maybe they only had one Mac Pro and sold it....

Just a sign.
How big is the store? Is it a theatre stand alone or a Mall shop. The Mall shops almost never carry Pro's.
How big is the store? Is it a theatre stand alone or a Mall shop. The Mall shops almost never carry Pro's.

Mall location...and it always has carried at least one in the past.
Mall location...and it always has carried at least one in the past.

MP's are generally not "featured" in the stores. Sort of an awkward product to put on a desk. Most likely, there's at least one hiding in the back.

Bottom line here is that you're crying wolf here. Just relax......... new MP's will hit the stores sometime in March-April.

Most stores have been reconfigured for express checkout for Christmas so a lot of things have been taken down from display or reconfigured.
MP's are generally not "featured" in the stores. Sort of an awkward product to put on a desk. Most likely, there's at least one hiding in the back.

The mini must be hard to put on a desk too. During the summer the Apple Store at the Domain in Austin didn't have one on display. I guess any Apple product without a screen isn't trendy enough for the Domain.
I bought them all because of the impending discontinuation I keep hearing about on the forums. Figure I have a lifetime supply now.:)
People noticed the same thing last year. Doesn't mean anything.

Perhaps it means nothing now, but I stand by my humble prediction: Apple is cleaning up in the consumer market, and expect that to gather even more steam with the release of their TV and iPad 3. Like the XServe, the Mac Pro will be gone before you know it. They don't NEED the Pro any more. If you think about it, what does it have to offer besides expansion, which is seldom used anyway? Why offer a $2500 video card when frankly it's just not required to put out HD? Nope, Say goodbye now. It will make it easier down the road.
Like the XServe, the Mac Pro will be gone before you know it.

"Before I know it" is really vague. Anyone who wants their predictions to have any merit needs to:
  • Pick a date the MP will end by
  • Say which specific model will be the last (for example, this model, or the next model)

Otherwise, of course the MP will go away some day. All models will end some day.
If you think about it, what does it have to offer besides expansion, which is seldom used anyway? Why offer a $2500 video card when frankly it's just not required to put out HD?

What does it have to offer? I don't mean to be insulting or anything, but is that a serious question?

The Mac Pro allows:
  • Two optical drives
  • 4 internal drives (easily replaceable/interchangeable, too)
  • greater I/O options/ports (historically anyway, if not right this moment)
  • the ability to run high-end non-mobile graphics cards
  • more processors and processing power than any other Apple machine
  • PCIe slots (I *NEED* these, and it's got nothing to do with video)
  • much larger RAM capacity than other Apple machines
  • the ability to use a non-glossy monitor (or whatever monitor you want)
    [*]ECC RAM for scientific/workstation-class precision
    [*] the ability to operate more quietly (due to more space/air for parts)
    [*] a chassis that allows self-repair, self-configuration, and self-upgrades

Now, YOU may not need all (or any) of those things. But rest assured, there are people that do. I need almost every one of those advantages, and my work has nothing to do with any sort of fancier video cards (I'm a musician). Most users (even most pro users) don't need ALL of those things, but unless Apple is going to start offering 57 different levels of an already-low-volume Mac Pro, or add them all as options to a higher end version of the iMac, then the only efficient way for them to even still meet those sorts of needs is to bundle them into one model, with some trim/configuration options. Thus the purpose of the Mac Pro.

Does everyone need a Mac Pro these days? Certainly not- not even all the pro users. But I am still amazed that there are people who say (or imply) that no one needs it anymore, or that the Mac Pro is obsolete, outdated, and/or no longer necessary, as if they somehow speak for all the rest of us.

I do not speak for anyone else, so I may be the only person in the universe for whom this is true (I'm fairly confident I'm not alone though), but *I* certainly still need the Mac Pro. And will for quite some time- at least another computer lifecycle's worth. Someday an iMac may have everything I need. And someday Thunderbolt (or something else) may provide all connectivity and bandwidth I'd ever use. And someday I may no longer need any optical discs, and someday I may not need multiple hard drives (or SSDs). And someday PCIe won't be necessary for my work. But that someday is FAR far away.

In the present (as opposed to "someday"), I'd say the Mac Pro offers a lot, wouldn't you? I may be the only person in the universe for whom this is true (I'm fairly confident I'm not alone though), but *I* certainly still need the Mac Pro....

You are not alone.

Just because Steve didn't want to drive a "truck" doesn't mean they aren't needed.

Last I checked, the highway was full of "trucks" doing the heavy lifting, transporting, building in our world...not cute little Smart cars. So, I don't think Apple will stop building "trucks", they need them for their ecosystem. If they do however, we'll still drive trucks, they just won't be the ones we see all the beautiful people using in tv and movies...but they'll be the ones making those things.
You are not alone.

Just because Steve didn't want to drive a "truck" doesn't mean they aren't needed.

Last I checked, the highway was full of "trucks" doing the heavy lifting, transporting, building in our world...not cute little Smart cars. So, I don't think Apple will stop building "trucks", they need them for their ecosystem. If they do however, we'll still drive trucks, they just won't be the ones we see all the beautiful people using in tv and movies...but they'll be the ones making those things.

I just wish Apple would understand that some of us want a downsized truck.
I just wish Apple would understand that some of us want a downsized truck.

[puts hand up]

I don't think it's that they don't realise, dude. There just aren't enough of us.

Personally, I'd love a Mac 'Semi-Pro'. Something in the Mac Pro case (or similar) with all the benefits of expandability, but without the Xeon-class processors. A top-end i7, say... but I'm not holding my breath.

Yesterday I began to entertain the idea of going back to Windows. It was an idea that made me feel really rather miserable but, if I don't see a new Mac Pro by February/March, I don't think I'll have any choice.
Personally, I'd love a Mac 'Semi-Pro'. Something in the Mac Pro case (or similar) with all the benefits of expandability, but without the Xeon-class processors. A top-end i7, say... but I'm not holding my breath.

Seconded. Something that allows the use of desktop graphics cards and the addition of extra hard disks without the need for major disassembly work would be great. I too would happily replace my desktop PC with a machine like that and would be happy with a fast i7
In fact, if you see the photo of him at his desk at home in his biography, he's using a Mac Pro.

Yeah. All Steve said is that most people don't need trucks (which is true). He also said that some people will still justifiably need trucks.

He wasn't saying anything at all anti truck. He just said that in the future 90% of people will only need iPads.
Yeah. All Steve said is that most people don't need trucks (which is true)...

He also said that in the "agrarian days" of our nation that all cars were trucks (which isn't true)...

I trust you'll be as forgiving of my embellishment as you are with his. Both of us were simply trying to make a point. Trucks are always needed.
I thought it was just my Apple Store.

It's one of Apples larger stores and usually has three on display. I was in over the weekend and they had replaced them with iPads and iPhones.

Obviously a very controversial topic I have mixed feelings on what Apple may do. Only time will tell.

I sure hope everyone that is so certain they will not be discontinued is correct :)
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