I'm trying to convince my brother to buy a macbook instead of IBM. It is a hard argument, he is a heavy pro-windows and for some reason has become an IBM fan. However, because he has money limits getting the dream IBM is difficult. But we all know for the price of a crappy IBM, a great macbook is waiting for him. He knows everything about Apple as he fiddles around with my powerbook.
I don't think this is a windows vs OSX argument thought it may look like one.
He likes the way windows look- mainly windows classic. He believes that OSX looks like a toy. Girly. Bubbly. (Which is why he doesn't like XP either). He has challenged that if the macbook's OSX could change, he'd get the macbook.
Is there anything such as this? Is there a way to degrade OSX enough to look like classic windows?
I don't think this is a windows vs OSX argument thought it may look like one.
He likes the way windows look- mainly windows classic. He believes that OSX looks like a toy. Girly. Bubbly. (Which is why he doesn't like XP either). He has challenged that if the macbook's OSX could change, he'd get the macbook.
Is there anything such as this? Is there a way to degrade OSX enough to look like classic windows?