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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 3, 2012
Has the option for folders or any kind of hierarchal sorting in the notes app just not been enabled yet or is this not a feature?

What about changing the awful yellow colour of the pad?

Bullet points / outlining capabilities?

Ideally this would be able to replace the various note taking programs out there with only a little more effort. Why did they stop there? Will devs take advantage of this and develop something using the new app?
I also hate the yellow linear background in Notes App. I currently use nvALT but it is not as elegant as Notes App and sync with simplenote is not the best option. Here is something new that I found that has a potential to be a great simple notes app -
Yes, it supports folders in iCloud and lists (bullets, dashes and numbers). Not sure about outlining.

The closest thing we have right now in terms of changing the background color was posted in this thread.

Awesome, thanks for that!

So I guess this is a legitimate contender for school note taking, I don't see that many advantages of using Evernote over this integrated notes app.
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