I swear, this is getting more and more aggrevating by the minute. I made a cpl data dvds on my pc to get files over to my new mini. I wanted to make a backup of each disc just in case something happened to those, as there are alot of irreplacable files on there. So I open Toast, go to copy disc, set it in motion, it gets right to the end of reading the disc and says "Couldnt complete the last command because there was an I/O error (your disc may be copy protected)."
There is NO copy protection on the disc, its a data disc I MADE MYSELF! I guarantee that I can pop that disc back into my pc and copy it in 10min. I realize this isnt a mac problem (ie - hardware related), its this ****** Roxio garbage software. I used to have EZ CD Creator on my pc long ago and had nothing but problems with it. Cant believe I wasted my $ on this piece of garbage (toast). Is there a better burning app out there? Why cant they make Nero for mac.
There is NO copy protection on the disc, its a data disc I MADE MYSELF! I guarantee that I can pop that disc back into my pc and copy it in 10min. I realize this isnt a mac problem (ie - hardware related), its this ****** Roxio garbage software. I used to have EZ CD Creator on my pc long ago and had nothing but problems with it. Cant believe I wasted my $ on this piece of garbage (toast). Is there a better burning app out there? Why cant they make Nero for mac.