Having just had a kernel panic last week, leaving my main MacHD in totally trashed state, I re-installed on to a new disc over the weekend. Mucho tedious. Turns out the disc I chose from the local shop (Baracude IV 80GB) was exactly the same as the original main HD Apple installed - one of us must have taste then. The original main disc was moved to a different slot inside the case and the new HD put in its place in case this made a difference to booting order - couldn't be bothered to find out the painful way whether this mattered or not.
Mail: copied over gradually. Not too painful, but most folder groups needed their own attention. Getting mail back was crucial to getting emails with keys for Thoth, QT Pro, etc.
Key chains: dragged the file over and linked into to new chain. No real hassles.
iTunes: Edit the core XML file to reflect the new location of the files and iTunes imported them all. Crucially different to letting iTunes find just MP3 files because it also bought over my ratings and collections (folders, groups, whatever).
Address book: BT zapped the P800 back to the Mac. If iSync properly understood the phone it would have been even easier.
Yanked loads of DMG files and all sorts of other dev kit. Thank God for cable modems on 300MB DevKit files
Safari: not tried to move bookmarks yet.
iPhoto: not tried to move photos yet.
Thoth: not tried yet.
I had
lots of pain getting the install CDs to boot from CD. Dunno if this is because I changed the HDs into different slots (confusing the NVRAM) or whether it wanted to see some semblence of the original install, but this phase took the most effort (and most frustration). I
think (not certain) that the reset-nvram and set-defaults and then reset-all in the Open Firmware console was the key stage to getting this going (Alt-Option-O-F on boot to get to the prompt), but would have thought that just getting a boot from CD shouldn't have cared about HD state - had no problems getting the hardware test CD to run though.
Software update immediately opened with the combo offering once installed. Again, cable modems (or fast 'net connections in general) are rather useful here.
But the new 23" Cinema display with aesthetically matching H/K soundsticks provides compensation - glorious display!
Plus I do get a vague feeling of having things a bit better set up this time around. This beasty (DP 1GHz MDD PM) is my first Apple, so there was a bit of cruft accumulating from experiments. Of course, I'd have planned a bit more carefully if I knew I was going to do a re-install, rather than the mess I had last Thursday during the 1st coffee of the day.
hope there's some useful comments here.