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Original poster
Jun 14, 2007
Recently, I have had a number of issues with e-mail notifications. I have already tried cycling them on and off, both for all Mail as well as individually.

I have four e-mail accounts. I want notifications for my three business e-mails only. Often, however, those three accounts are not showing up with a banner (either persistent or temporary), but I do get a notification sound and a Badge Icon. For this issue, cycling has helped a bit. But it is happening several times per week.

Additionally, on my personal account, where I have notifications set to "Off", the banners pop up all the time.

Any suggestions?
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now i see it

macrumors G4
Jan 2, 2002
iOS Mail App isn't 100% reliable with notifications. It's not even reliable when pulling down to fetch fresh from the server. Sometimes there's mail there, but iOS Mail can't see/get it until much much later even when refreshing the inbox.


macrumors 6502
Nov 15, 2006
Chieti, Italy
Hi, sorry to resurrect an old thread. I'm having the same issues with multiple apps, and it actually started on my iPhone 7 on iOS 12 last week after I re-activated an old Apple ID that was originally an alias of the one I normally use (but that was since "de-aliased" by Apple so I could use it for a business account years ago).

I do get badges, but no banners nor sounds. Everything is set up correctly and turning the settings off and on doesn't seem to help.

I thought it would get fixed after getting an iPhone 11 as Apple's own document says apps should ask to re-enable notifications, but it just didn't ask; what worked works, what didn't doesn't.

Uninstalling and reinstalling the app does works, of course, as it will ask to enable notifications at that point, but it's quite inconvenient (losing user data, etc.).
I don't think there's any way — sadly — to have the iPhone generate a different device token to reset them all and force apps to re-register for notifcations, so I was wondering if you had come across a solution.

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