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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 9, 2010
I have multiple focus set across all my devices. For example

  1. Do Not Disturb from 10pm to 8am every day
  2. Personal from 6am to 830pm every weekday
Despite these settings, if I have my office mail open in Safari on my MacMini, I hear the new email notification pings during the night. On my phone, all notifications are silenced. How do I make sure the MacMini replicates the behavior of the phone, i.e. no sounds during the focus hours?

I have enabled the "Share Across Devices" option in both my iPhone & Mini. The notifications are silenced on the phone, but not the Mini.


Staff member
Jul 1, 2014
And when mentioning "office mail" we talking Office/Exchange or other?

My guess is notification is not a Notification coming in via Apple APIs, so Focus will not be able to handle. Webpage doing its thing.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 9, 2010
And when mentioning "office mail" we talking Office/Exchange or other?

My guess is notification is not a Notification coming in via Apple APIs, so Focus will not be able to handle. Webpage doing its thing.
The office mail is office365 accessed via safari. The notifications are from Safari; shouldn't Focus suppress coming from the browser?
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