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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 2, 2010
Hey guys. I'm a forum regular since 2010, so not some app spammer here :) I've had this idea to create a new style calendar app for 2 years now and after a lot of hard work it's finally available in the App Store:

NOW calendar introduces a new view that combines all the advantages of the common week, day and list view and takes away its disadvantages. Natural ways of interaction, like horizontal timeline scrolling and the use of playful animations and design, gives NOW calendar the uniqueness and innovation the calendar has been missing.
It's also the fastest way to add an appointment of all the apps I've tried over the years. Long press an empty time slot, start typing, press enter, DONE!

You can see a short video of NOW calendar in action here:

Most calendar apps are a physical calendar translated digitally, but if feel the calendar needs an upgrade! NOW calendar fills the important gap between your overcrowded lifestyle and your well known calendar. It focuses on what’s important at this very moment and gives a glance into what’s upcoming.


• Re-invented timeline - See events move fluidly from screen to screen as you scroll
• Horizontal Orientation - Quickly spot free time in your calendar and always see the full event title
• Continuous Flow - Easy one-hand scroll navigation by only moving your finger left or right
• On the spot Adding, Editing and Deleting - Long press an empty space or an event for immediate interaction
• Drag-and-Drop - Move your event easily around to position it in a different time slot


• Pastel colours - Your calendar will feel neat and relaxing instead of stressing you out on a busy day
• 18 Different Views - Because everyone has different needs



• View Switcher - Use the draggers to quickly change between the Default, Month and List view
• Overlay Screens - The Menu, New Event and Event Details screens only cover your calendar subtly


And many more of the things you would expect from your personal calendar app: invites, alerts, 2nd alerts, time zone support, full search, multiple calendars, custom calendar colours, maps & directions, repeating events, auto complete location lookup, the list goes on.

I'm really curious to know what you all think of it as it's completely different from what everyone is used to. I'm happy to hear your input!

NOW calendar in the App Store:
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