I am planning on buying an Imac 27" quad core. But I don't wanna spend the $2000 on it if Its gonna be outdone by the 2010 models when they come out for similar pricing. So my question is, should I spend the $2000 soon on the I mac, or should I wait and see the 2010 models? I also don't want to have my $2000 not be able to get a good 2010 Imac model. Im afraid that the higher end Imac will more then $2000 and I won't be able to get a late 09 model anymore. So what are your opinions?
edit- comparing previous years, has the newer models of the Imac been better for more priced or around the same price as their old high end model?
edit- comparing previous years, has the newer models of the Imac been better for more priced or around the same price as their old high end model?