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macrumors G3
Original poster
Feb 22, 2020
Less thermal/power is what Apple use as one of the deciding factors for a transition. The move to an Ax chip will definitely allow Apple to have thinner profile and smaller motherboard.

I'm guessing a very similar look to the Pro Display, just with a computer inside, a 4k/5k screen, more ports, and a power plug.


macrumors G3
Oct 17, 2014
Colorado, USA
I'd guess more of an iPad Pro look with no chin and Face ID above the display, but budged in the back like the current iMac. A rounded display on an iMac would be strange but it's in the realm of possibility, as well as a return to the 16:10 aspect ratio.


May 6, 2011
Face iD will come to Macbooks before the iMac. The iMac is always one of the last to get the upgrades across the line.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 3, 2010
Maryland US
I see a Pro XDR display basically as the form factor. Same general boxy design with it being as thin or even thinner. Remember that these SOCs should be much more power efficient and cooler then comparative Intel chips so they should be able to get away with a thinner and less extensive thermal solution. My conspiracy theory is that the ipad pro design update we have been hearing about is actually the ARM iMac while the intel iMac will use the same chassis as the current iMac, just with an updated screen/slimmer bezels, and chip updates. That or the 23/24 inch will be ARM only while the 27/32 inch will remain intel.
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macrumors 68000
Aug 9, 2008
Ah, this is interesting. So a 2-in-1 Apple. :)

I’d love an iPhone that could be docked to become a Mac. Sell different docks...a laptop MacBook dock and a desktop dock that supports external monitors. The docks could contain extra storage space to hold MacOS but take advantage of the ARM processor in the phone. I don’t need a super powerful laptop/desktop but would love my phone to be able to power those other form factors when needed.


macrumors regular
Oct 30, 2008
I think we will essentially see a unification between iOS/iPadOS/MacOS/watchOS from a foundational standpoint. I think there will be a few different variations but portability of software will be priority (create an app for MacOS, and to create an iPhone app will be an easier extension of that, or vice versa). I do see Macbooks having a touchscreen and you will see some 2-in-1 hardware.

Variations between iPad and Macbooks will be like Microsoft Surface and Windows Laptops, while iPhone is simply a more portable version of it, and iMac/MacPros are more powerful versions. But all will be running on the same OS.

I'm not a software engineer, but that's my 2 cents.
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macrumors 68030
Jun 20, 2009
Lincoln, UK
Mac Nano: Take the battery and screen out of an iPhone and you have a very small device. It may be a bit bigger than that to allow for higher power silicon and maybe some more cooling, but a pocketable Mac is a possibility. Bluetooth connection to an HDMI dongle to use any display easily (DisplayPort dongle also available).

Mac Track: Similar idea to the Nano of something small, but build it into the back of a trackpad and it disappears on your desk. Putting it in the underside of a keyboard is another possibility (effectively a laptop without the battery or screen).

xMac: The mythical xMac is a desktop tower in the massive gap between the Mac Mini and Mac Pro. But if Arm hardware lives up to the potential, we could get something powerful in the Mini size. Allow the addition of extra NVMe SSDs (the OS stays on a fixed SSD protected by T2) and RAM to provide the ideal flexible machine for developers, including me.


macrumors G3
Sep 12, 2017
Sunnyvale, CA
IMO it will be a revived MacBook as was previously killed off.
It’s possible, but then why discontinue it in the first place? They could have kept it in the lineup.

Personally, I’d rather have a 14” version (as close to 2 lbs as possible), but that’s not ideal for airplane tray table use.
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macrumors 68000
Apr 29, 2011
It’s possible, but then why discontinue it in the first place? They could have kept it in the lineup.

Personally, I’d rather have a 14” version (as close to 2 lbs as possible), but that’s not ideal for airplane tray table use.

IMO it was a test of concept and may have proved more difficult/expensive than required without the ARM. Yes, I guess that they will likely scale it up in size also.

2lb would be ideal. I swapped my MBP for an MBA partly to save weight.
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