I am learning Cocoa Programming by working my way through the Big Nerd Ranch book, " Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X", forth edition. The book is a bit dated, but it is still teaching me the basics.
So my questions:
1. I am trying to set up a table view that is controlled by an instance of NSArrayConroller. My table view has two columns, and I would like to make it selectable, but only allow the user to edit the item in the first column. How can I lock the second column against editing?
2. Is there an NSArrayController delegate or method that I can use to be alerted when the user makes an edit to the table?
C. Alan
So my questions:
1. I am trying to set up a table view that is controlled by an instance of NSArrayConroller. My table view has two columns, and I would like to make it selectable, but only allow the user to edit the item in the first column. How can I lock the second column against editing?
2. Is there an NSArrayController delegate or method that I can use to be alerted when the user makes an edit to the table?
C. Alan
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