With a lot of help from google, I've managed to put together a simple program which shows the user their IP Address when they select the 'Refresh IP' box from the program's dropdown menu.
It gets and displays the correct IP, but there's one small problem. The name of the menu isn't showing correctly.
As you can see in the image, half the IP is cut off on the top of the bar. I have no idea what's causing this and would appreciate any help! I don't usually program in Cocoa, so go easy on me
Also (separate issue I think) after this line, NSLog won't work anymore:
NSData *data = [file readDataToEndOfFile];
I've included an example in the AppController.m file
The xcode project is attached. I used xcode 3.2.2 on OSX 10.6.3
Let me know if you need any more details
It gets and displays the correct IP, but there's one small problem. The name of the menu isn't showing correctly.

As you can see in the image, half the IP is cut off on the top of the bar. I have no idea what's causing this and would appreciate any help! I don't usually program in Cocoa, so go easy on me
Also (separate issue I think) after this line, NSLog won't work anymore:
NSData *data = [file readDataToEndOfFile];
I've included an example in the AppController.m file
The xcode project is attached. I used xcode 3.2.2 on OSX 10.6.3
Let me know if you need any more details