Is it possible to convert a NSString to a byte array? I'm not sure how to do this, help appreciated.
I've got a response from a webservice that i've parsed, its contains a timestamp field. I use this timestamp field when i want to update a record. To update a record I sent another request to a webservice passing the timestamp as a parameter, however I get the error cannot convert string to byte[]. The timestamp value that i store from the initial response looks something like 'AAAAAAAA1A4=' and is stored as an NSString.
The webservice is coded in VB.Net, its currently being used by a .net based mobile application. We are lookin to move from the .net mobile platform to an iphone app but want to maintain our .net webservice.
The webservice itself requests a username (string), password(string), Id(int), description (string) and timestamp (object). The error message is 'could not convert string to byte[]', i get the same error message when i test this directly through a .net environment against the web service.
Ok i think i've got a little further. It appears to be base64binary conversion and i think i can handle in conversion in the webservice, although if anyone knows how to convert from base64binary let me know.