Hi All,
I'm trying to implement a Toolbar in my app that will, among other things, allow the user to switch tabs in a TabView. I've been following sample code to implement this but have run into a wall: the 'action' that I set for the NSToolbarItem's don't get called when I click the item on the toolbar. Here's my code:
In the header:
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
-- Mark
I'm trying to implement a Toolbar in my app that will, among other things, allow the user to switch tabs in a TabView. I've been following sample code to implement this but have run into a wall: the 'action' that I set for the NSToolbarItem's don't get called when I click the item on the toolbar. Here's my code:
In the header:
#define MainToolbarIdentifier @"Main Window Toolbar Identifier"
#define ScanOptionToolbarItemIdentifier @"Scan Option Item Identifier"
#define OutputOptionToolbarItemIdentifier @"Output Option Item Identifier"
@interface SANEDeviceController : NSWindowController {
IBOutlet NSImageView * imageScanOptionsTab;
IBOutlet NSImageView * imageOutputOptionsTab;
IBOutlet NSToolbarItem * tbItemScanOptions;
IBOutlet NSToolbarItem * tbItemOutputOptions;
IBOutlet NSTabView * tabViewMain;
- (void) SetupToolbar;
- (void) ClickedToolbar: (NSToolbarItem *) sender;
- (void) SetupToolbar; {
NSToolbar *toolbar = [[NSToolbar alloc] initWithIdentifier: MainToolbarIdentifier];
[toolbar setAllowsUserCustomization: NO];
[toolbar setAutosavesConfiguration: YES];
[toolbar setDisplayMode:NSToolbarDisplayModeIconAndLabel];
[toolbar setDelegate: self];
[mainWindow setToolbar: [toolbar autorelease]];
//*** Delegate methods for toolbar **************************************************************
- (NSToolbarItem *) toolbar: (NSToolbar *) toolbar itemForItemIdentifier: (NSString *) itemIdent willBeInsertedIntoToolbar: (BOOL) willBeInserted {
NSToolbarItem *toolbarItem = nil;
NSString * labelString;
NSImageView * itemImage;
int itemTag;
toolbarItem = [[[NSToolbarItem alloc] initWithItemIdentifier: itemIdent] autorelease];
if ([itemIdent isEqual: ScanOptionToolbarItemIdentifier]) {
labelString = @"Scanning";
itemImage = imageScanOptionsTab;
itemTag = 0;
} else if ([itemIdent isEqual: OutputOptionToolbarItemIdentifier]) {
labelString = @"Output";
itemImage = imageOutputOptionsTab;
itemTag = 1;
} else {
// Returning nil will inform the toolbar this kind of item is not supported
toolbarItem = nil;
if (toolbarItem != nil) {
[toolbarItem setLabel: labelString];
[toolbarItem setToolTip: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ options", labelString]];
[toolbarItem setView: itemImage];
[toolbarItem setTag: itemTag];
[toolbarItem setTarget: self];
[toolbarItem setAction: @selector(ClickedToolbar:)];
return [toolbarItem autorelease];
- (NSArray *) toolbarAllowedItemIdentifiers: (NSToolbar *) toolbar {
return [NSArray arrayWithObjects: ScanOptionToolbarItemIdentifier, OutputOptionToolbarItemIdentifier, nil];
- (NSArray *) toolbarDefaultItemIdentifiers: (NSToolbar *) toolbar {
return [self toolbarAllowedItemIdentifiers:toolbar];
- (NSArray *) toolbarSelectableItemIdentifiers:(NSToolbar *) toolbar {
return [self toolbarAllowedItemIdentifiers: toolbar];
- (void) ClickedToolbar: (NSToolbarItem *) sender {
if (![sender isKindOfClass:[NSToolbarItem class]])
int tabNum = [sender tag];
NSLog(@"Tab button clicked");
[tabViewMain selectTabViewItemAtIndex: tabNum];
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
-- Mark