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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 29, 2008
I've been trying to figure level 77 out and it is driving me nuts. I would really appreciate some help!
Hey, this is the part in the game that I always get stuck on. I hope it helps...even though this level is pretty much impossible to beat.


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I've got done to just one tile in 2-3 different ways but just cannot beat this :confused:

There aren't actually many options for the first 3-4 moves that don't just end things straight away so I am beginning to wonder if there is just a mistake since I can't find anyone who has done this level and some of us have been stuck on it for weeks!
I know!

I know! It's insanely frustrating. There is one sequence that allows you to to almost beat this level but you can't. I feel like I explored every possibility, so I went back tried new sequences towards the beginning but they all end early. I agree...if this level was beatable it seems that someone would know the solution. Well, let me know if you find the solution and if I figure out the solution, I will post it on here for you.
Well, I just wanted to share you the best sequence I found so far...I hope it helps.
1. 123 in bottom left corner
2. 456 in bottom left corner
3. 123 in bottom right corner
4. 123 in bottom left corner
5. 1234 in top right corner
6. 234 in top right(quickly when ice melts...use the 4 directly above the 3)
7. 12356 in bottom left corner
8. 123 in bottom left corner
9. 654 in top middle
10. 864 on the left middle
11. 321 on the top right( 321 sequence using the vanishing 3)
12. 456 on the bottom right
13. this is where I'm stuck(there's a picture below)


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Level 77

I followed your steps...but there seems to be a problem as soon as you get to step 9. you cant do 654...there is a 5 in the way (4556) ?? looking at the picture you poster ...why cant you do 123 then 56789 and finish?
I see...

Sorry about that. I made a typo on step 7. The sequence is supposed to be 123456. Well, just to make the steps a little clearer, I went ahead and just made a guide with pictures. I hope this helps.


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Sorry about that. I made a typo on step 7. The sequence is supposed to be 123456. Well, just to make the steps a little clearer, I went ahead and just made a guide with pictures. I hope this helps.

Je fais comme toi pour les étapes 1 à 8. Je penses qu'à l'étape 6 on peut varier le mouvement.

Par contre, à l'étape 9 je joue un coup différent, mais je n'arrive pas à trouver la solution ?

[EN] "google traduction"
I like you to do steps 1 through 8. I think that
Step 6 can vary the movement.

As against, to step 9 I play a shot differently, but I
can not find the solution ?

Well, I just wanted to share you the best sequence I found so far...I hope it helps.
1. 123 in bottom left corner
2. 456 in bottom left corner
3. 123 in bottom right corner
4. 123 in bottom left corner
5. 1234 in top right corner
6. 234 in top right(quickly when ice melts...use the 4 directly above the 3)
7. 12356 in bottom left corner
8. 123 in bottom left corner
9. 654 in top middle
10. 864 on the left middle
11. 321 on the top right( 321 sequence using the vanishing 3)
12. 456 on the bottom right
13. this is where I'm stuck(there's a picture below)

Je penses qu'il te faut un 4 au dessus du 3, mais je n'ai jamais réussis à l'obtenir, moi aussi je cherche à faire ta chaine avec le 4 pour la terminé en 1 coup !

I think that you need a 4 above the 3 but I did
never managed to get myself I try to do your
chain with 4 for the finished 1 shot!
Sorry for the delayed response

I am sorry for not replying to your post faster. I started thinking that everyone had given up on level 77! I do believe that steps 1-8 are right, but you are right...there are different number sequences you can take on step 9 but after step 9 there are even more number sequences you can choose from. I feel like the last sequence left on the board will be 1-9 sequence.
I was having trouble with this too, so I wrote a computer program to solve it. The computer program can't find the solution either, but it did manage to fail the game hundreds of thousands of times....

The only things I haven't implemented are:
1. Making more than one move during transitions (ice melting, fire turning burnt, etc.)
2. Burnt blocks falling off after gravity lands them on the bottom row.

The solution earlier in this thread goes out of its way to play during the transition to get them off the field, but what if the real solution is just to let them burn out and try and clear everything underneath?
Given up

I think its a big bust .....there is no solution...if a computer cant solve this we are in trouble. Ill check back in a month to hopefully find the solution posted. If it is un-solveable Ill never buy another app from these developers again as they have wasted my time as well as many others trying to solve an impossible puzzle.
i got lucky when i pass it but now im stuck on 78:(

OMG second thing I've read claiming 77 is not impossible in as many minutes. I quit assuming it was, months ago. It got taken off the AppStore for 'contractual reasons', apparently will be back there in a week or so.

Any recollection of how you 'got lucky' on 77? What steps? Think, man :)!
I also wrote a computer code to try solving level 77, and it could not find a valid solution. I verified this code on bunches of earlier levels, including level 72 which is tough for brute force, iterative solvers. So what I did was ssh into my jailbroken ipod and hacked the "users.dat" file living within the area by changing byte #14 from hex 4C to 4D. After relaunching Numba I can get into level 78.
Im Stuck On 69

i must be retarded because i cant get it
its called nasty 7 on puzzle mode.
please help a girl out ;)
I need help on level 44

it really got on my nerve...could any one pls tell me how to crack it....much appreciated.
Level 52

Hi all,

I'm stuck on level 52 (Tricky Fire).
Can anyone post the solution? or some tips?

I think the iced 3 and 4 at the top should fall into the iced bottom row.
After 10 turns they all melt and you can make the final 1-2-3-4-5-6 combination.

Or is this totally wrong?

Please help.
Hi all, after trying all the variants myself i turned to this forum. Due to the screenshots i realized, that the latest version of numba has actually different level 77 (2 frozen tiles are changed) and therefore after analyzing the algorithms here i was able to complete it.

Try updating numba and solve the new one!

Little hint: the beginning suggested here is correct, but the fire blocks on the right should be left to burn out...

Have a nice time trying numba again.
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