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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 7, 2007

I have two columns,

column A movie title
column B file size

my question is, how can I get numbers to highlight any duplicates that are in column A?

thanks, for the help. :)
To do it automatically, I don't think there is a way. However, there is a process you can use to give you this function.

First, sort your spreadsheet on Column A
Add a column C
In cell C2, put this formula: IF(A2=A1,"***","")
Copy C2 and paste it in all remaining cells in column C
Voila! In every duplicate entry in your movie titles, you will see '***' in Column C

Note that the Movie titles must be exact! 'Fugitive' is not the same as 'The Fugitive'
@mrgreeneyes - Hi you can automate this using the COUNTIF command - In the example below Film titles are in Col A, and a Formula is in Column B that looks at all the values in Column A that match the value to the left. If the result is more then 1 then you have a duplicate. To highlight the duplicates I have added a conditional format to CountIF formula cells that highlight the cell in Red if the value is more than 1.

Screenshot 2020-09-03 at 21.07.38.png

Screenshot 2020-09-03 at 21.09.04.png
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