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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 20, 2020
Tokyo, Japan
I recently made a Numbers checkbook sheet of sorts for my bank accounts. I prefer using positive and negative numbers in the same column, and while I have the look and feel of it finished, my attempts to format for calculating running balance (formulas), has been unsuccessful.

I've searched this topic online, and have seen two distinct formulas to use, and for some reason (no errors listed in the process), they only work for the first 2-3 cells, and then just stops working. I've attached a shot of the sheet.

The two formulas I have read about and tried unsuccessfully are:

  • =IF(I6<>"", SUM($I$6:I6), "")
  • =SUM(J4,I6)
As I mentioned above, when I use either of these formulas, they work fine for the first few cells, but then magically stop calculating. The more I search, I see these same two formulas repeatedly, and can't figure out why they work for a few cells and stop. Seems would work or not work - not an inbetween.

Anyone have a different formula or can advise as to what the hell is going on?


  • Screen Shot 2020-07-21 at 11.29.38.png
    Screen Shot 2020-07-21 at 11.29.38.png
    465 KB · Views: 252
Sorry, I fail to see the connection between your formulas and your screenshot - if any.
Can you perhaps upload a small .numbers file to clarify your problem?
Neither formula makes logical sense.

The first includes an "IF" statement regarding the contents of cell I6. If that cell is empty, then it displays the SUM of that very same cell - $I$6 is simply an absolute cell reference for cell I6, and "I6" is a relative reference for the same cell - so you're summing the range of I6 to I6.

The second is a sum of two cells: J4 (column J, row 4) and I6 (column I, row 6).

Separating cell references by commas is an instruction to apply the function (eg. SUM) to only those cells. Separating cell references by a colon ( : ) is an instruction to apply the function to a range of consecutive cells (eg. I6:I250 would include all cells from column I row 6 to column I row 250).

SUM is very easy to use when summing a column. You Insert the formula in the cell where you want the sum to appear, and Numbers will automatically suggest a sum of either the row or column.

In the screen shot you've shown, "Balance" is Column G. The cell where "¥0" appears is probably cell G3. To sum column G, the formula might be SUM(G5:G250).

Numbers does a whole lot of this for you automatically - if you insert a function like SUM, Numbers automatically highlights a range of suggested cells to which that function could be applied - the entire column starting below the cell containing the formula, for example. Learn to take advantage of these capabilities, along with the ability to drag/modify the suggested cell range to meet your desires. Numbers Help in the Help menu would be a great place to start.
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