Has anyone upgraded their Mac Pro to run the new nVidia GeForce 8800 GT graphics card and use BootCamp Win XP x64?
I found a driver on the nVidia website that seem to suggest that the card can be run using XP x64.
it isn't linked straight from the card page however.
Just wanted to check here before I go and spend $280 on the card.
I am running the ATI card right now.
Never mind... after reading more barefeats.com reviews I realized that my ATI 1900 is actually superior for my needs. Sorry for taking up the bandwidth.
I found a driver on the nVidia website that seem to suggest that the card can be run using XP x64.
it isn't linked straight from the card page however.
Just wanted to check here before I go and spend $280 on the card.
I am running the ATI card right now.
Never mind... after reading more barefeats.com reviews I realized that my ATI 1900 is actually superior for my needs. Sorry for taking up the bandwidth.