Which is why I don't understand why you're minimizing Nvidia's actions here, especially after you were railing against Apple for their failure to properly support 4K on Nvidia cards.
Already explained this once.
I'll try again.
You can call something anything you like in computer world. You can make any claims you want. (at the peril of your reputation)
But at the end of the day, you either deliver the goods, or not.
If this problem was REALLY some huge revelation ("MemoryGate"?) then why did it take months to be figured out?
Because for most uses, the issue NEVER COMES UP. And when it does, the benches show it, Nvidia can't hide from reviews and benchmarks. And they knew this going in. They weren't going to have reviewers hallucinate better scores than card could do.
So the card is what it is. In use cases where this last 512MB is needed, the card slows down. And in places where it isn't needed, the card is insanely fast and power efficient and an incredible value for the money.
In the next couple days I will send Barefeats 2 of our EFI 970s. I'm not scared of what he will find, just like Nvidia wasn't when they started selling them.
Speaking of which, did anyone notice his last round of Dual GPU tests? The 2010 Hex Core with Dual 980s left a nMP D700 for dead in both the DaVinci Resolve Candle test as well as Lexmark OpenCl. My guess is that this 970 noise won't stop the 970s from doing rather well in his tests. Guaranteed to beat the D300 and D500 slugs, may give D700s a run for the money.