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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 13, 2012
Houston, TX
Ok so after looking at all of the voodoo that was being required to make NVME bootable I found a work around and it is super easy with High Sierra. the solution as it turns out is actually pretty cool!

I bought the LT whatever it is call PCI-e NVME adapter card on amazon and got a Samsung EVO 960 500GB SSD. I couldn't get it to boot I could install to it but I never could get it to boot. After doing some research I found that it wasn't bootable without a lot fo firmware hacking stuff that was WAY more complicated than I was comfortable with. Anyway one of the comments thought sparked an idea. it was about using a SATA SSD to boot because those systems started earlier in the Boot rom before the NVME was active. I Though about it and wondered if I used coreStorage and created a Fusion Drive would it force the loading of the NVME. Well it works!
I have a 1.5TB fusion drive that is booting and running at the full advertise speeds of the NVME when I test it with BlackMagic Speed Tester

Just when you boot your USB installer open the terminal and follow the instructions

Once you have the Fusion drive created click "install new copy of OSX" and select the fusion drive!

Now I have space and speed!
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Yep, Fusion drives will work if you don't want to inject NVMe. It's a know workaround.
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So I'm guessing that a small SSD, like a Samsung 860 Pro 256GB paired with a Samsung 960 EVO NVMe 500Gb would work? If so then that would give me a bit more room for my boot drive.

Would a generic PCIe M.2 adapter work okay for the NVMe blade (that's what I've currently got), or would I have to go for something more exotic like the LT thing?
So I'm guessing that a small SSD, like a Samsung 860 Pro 256GB paired with a Samsung 960 EVO NVMe 500Gb would work? If so then that would give me a bit more room for my boot drive.

Would a generic PCIe M.2 adapter work okay for the NVMe blade (that's what I've currently got), or would I have to go for something more exotic like the LT thing?

Any supported AHCI drive, even an old hard drive, will work to provide boot with a NVMe SSD.

Remember that with a Fusion drive setup you will double your chances of failure. It's not a secret that even Macs originally configured from factory with Fusion drives fail an leave people in dire straits. So, have a backup.
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Fusion is Fusion = two drives. . . . . . . NVMe M.2 or SSD booting is NVMe booting = one drive.

I had Sierra FUSION booting with my NVMe M.2 960 EVO with a USB 3.0 stick doing the ACTUAL BOOTING = TWO drives.

Now I boot from the same M.2 blade ONLY in High Sierra. = one tiny, very cool, very fast NVMe blade !

Plus now I have one extra USB port free.

No pain = no gain.
Sounds great! So if I understand you correctly, we just make a

Fusion Drive consisting of:
- Simple SATA SSD

Install macOS on this and you get both a bootable drive and NVMe speeds (except on a small part of the fusion drive). Plus something that isn't sensitive to EFI/System updates.

The increased chance of failure surely isn't a big one. It's not mechanical drives we're talking about anyway.

I can't believe I haven't seen this advice in the Mac Pro Upgrade Sticky..

Great find!
I tried it with my Toshiba 1 TB NVMe drive and I couldn't get it to boot. I married it just like the instructions said and when I look at it in Disk Utility , It says it's not bootable. Any suggestions? Help.
I tried it with my Toshiba 1 TB NVMe drive and I couldn't get it to boot. I married it just like the instructions said and when I look at it in Disk Utility , It says it's not bootable. Any suggestions? Help.
Install BootROM, it has native NVMe support.

Read posts #1554 and #1569, or wait until Apple releases 10.14.1 this week.
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