Do you have to pay by credit card? Is this all done from the iPad itself?
Yes and yes.
Ok thanks! I did look at the O2 site but couldn't see specific details. Another chance for you to say "yes", once the payment is made is access granted immediately?
Actually without 3G net access how do you make the request in the first place to get net access?!
I'm still awaiting my 3g iPad, but from what I've read o2 daily runs out at midnight and doesnt always last the full 24 hours stated...
I might be wrong though...
I'd like to know peoples experiences on this. The only time I can see myself using 3G would be the rare occasion I'm in a hotel that charges a ridiculous amount for wifi access. However, that means that my 3G usage would be in the late evening, possibly going over midnight.
I'd like to know peoples experiences on this.
My experience is of paying £2 for 24 hours and getting 24 hours.
If you have an O2 SIM and are in an area of O2 coverage, your iPad can connect to O2's server.
I find the process of signing up to be sub-optimal. I have to enter too many details each time, it takes too long to connect to the servers to start the authentication and there's a lag between payment and actual access starting. Oh and O2 3G is really pretty slow and coverage not the best, in fact pretty poor where I tend to be out and about.
Get a monthly plan from Three or Orange then.