Since I'm in a kind of similar situation, I feel like I should also comment on this topic.
I started learning Swift and macOS development maybe two months ago with only a small programming background (I know mostly the basics of differen programming languages like C++ (which I'm learning kind of parallel to swift), C#, JavaScript and so on. But I never wrote complete apps in any of these.
So, if you want to know more about how I approached to learn developing macOS apps with swift I can also make a detailed post about that.
Regarding learning sources, maculateConception already gave you some good suggestions.
Regarding the language I agree with him to better learn Swift instead of Objective-C (that doesn't mean that leaning ObjC in the first place was a waste of time, since it's still widely spread and useful to know)
Anyway here are some sources I used when learning to develop for macOS in Swift. They may help you as well:
(switch to macOS and type „Sample Code“ in the search bar gives a lot of Samples for specific problems directly from apple engineers, most are often only written in Objective-C, so that’s where knowledge to that language can become handy)
looking at open Source Code from existing apps (like the WWDC app mentioned above for example) can give you a great insight of how to structure an app, and a great way to learn about some of the implementation.
even though macOS programming tutorials are very rare on Youtube, you can watch some iOS tutorials and try to recreate them on macOS. This forces you to think on your own instead of just copying what you’re seeing and is a great exercise for developing macOS apps. Here are some examples of Youtube Channels you could use for that:
and of course (mostly for specific stuff you need to know):
- StackOverflow
- Google
- Apples own Documentation
- Xcode’s help functions
- etc.
Compared to iOS sources for macOS programming are rather rare, simply because there are way more people developing for iOS. With the better integrated AppStore it has the superior distribution channel plus you can reach way more people with it, since there are a lot more people using an iOS device compared to a Mac. Also macOS development I guess is considered harder, plus as iOS developer you have to get used to the differen framework called AppKit, which has many similarities to iOS's UIKit, but also many differences.
I'm not an expert on this topic so I'm leaving further evaluation to those who are.
Hope I could help and have a great day