While OCLP 1.4 1.5 were awesome with Sonoma,
moved to OCLP 2.1.2 and Sequoia
and running into instabillities
Crashplan app is unresponsive and displays in red in top menu bar, and the main app shows incorrect text.
General Finder freezes
Youtube videos do not display video
I'm rebuilding my rig to go back to older version of OCLP and install Sonoma to try again.
moved to OCLP 2.1.2 and Sequoia
and running into instabillities
Crashplan app is unresponsive and displays in red in top menu bar, and the main app shows incorrect text.
General Finder freezes
Youtube videos do not display video
I'm rebuilding my rig to go back to older version of OCLP and install Sonoma to try again.