I've been noticing incredibly slow and unresponsive web page loading, particularly on Facebook and Google maps, it's been driving me bonkers! I noticed that it was happening only on secure connections so I turned off SSL on Facebook and it's lightning quick now.
Looking at processes I see 'ocspd' is maxing out my processor on SSL pages I visit. I see that is to do with certificate verification.
Any ideas what's going on, it was never a problem in the past, I think it stated when I upgraded to 10.8, but not entirely sure.
I've got a MBPr 2.7GHz i7 with SSD, so computer speed shouldn't be the cause!
Any ideas?
Looking at processes I see 'ocspd' is maxing out my processor on SSL pages I visit. I see that is to do with certificate verification.
Any ideas what's going on, it was never a problem in the past, I think it stated when I upgraded to 10.8, but not entirely sure.
I've got a MBPr 2.7GHz i7 with SSD, so computer speed shouldn't be the cause!
Any ideas?