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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 30, 2009
Hi Fellow Maccers

I am new to the forum, looks like a very informative forum for a mac owner.

My DVD/CD's are very hot when I remove them (really hot), so I ran Apple's Hardware Test and got the following error:

After some digging I discovered that my DVD fan may not be running, so I installed Fan Control to monitor my Imac temperatures and fan speeds which proved that my ODD (DVD) fan is not running.

For instance the desired fan speed should be 1200, but it indicates 0.

The question is now, what can I do besides taking the computer to a dealer ?

Looking forward to your response.
You're options are pretty simple.

1) Take your iMac in and get it fixed (or call AppleCare if you're still covered).

2) Take the machine apart and look at yourself. You run the risk of voiding you're warranty (if you still have one), and you'll likely need to order some obscure fan Apple uses. This could be tricky unless you or someone you knows is experienced in working on computers.

This is hardware failure. You can't just run some app and fix it. :(
I don't have Apple Care.

I was thinking, why should I purchase insurance for a brand new machine? Aren't these things suppose to last about 5-8 years, a bit longer if you are lucky?

Anyhow, I have some electronic knowledge so opening it up is probably the way to go. I contacted our local Apple people and they seem to think it's the Logic Board and big bucks to fix ??

Is it my imagination or is it only people without Apple Care that have problems with their Logic Boards ?
I don't think its the logic board. Your imac knows the fan isn't turning and is working fine otherwise. I'd say it was just a faulty fan, or [maybe] the connector on the logic board. If you feel comfortable opening it up and identifying the fan you might want to do that first. They aren't that expensive at local computer shops.

A logic board will cost you as much or nearly as much as a new machine, so thats kind of out of the question.

Perhaps you could take in (somewhere Apple certified preferably) and just get a quote. If they only want a hundred bucks it would probably worth it, although most places would want that just to look at it.

Good luck. BTW, there's plenty of take apart guides on the net, and videos on YouTube.
Thank you Fleetwood Mac.

Yes, I have seen quite a few DIY replacing of iMac components on the web, none for the ODD fan yet, but similar enough to get by.

Just another thought:
My ODD fan has probably not been working for months, it's only after running the Apple Hardware Test and installing Fan Control that I have confirmed that it's not running, So, what can happen if it's not running, besides the CD's being hot when I remove them. Will it damage the CD's or the ODD itself .... mmm ?

Just wondering, maybe I could just leave it without the running fan??
Just burnt 2 CD's straight after each other and monitored the ODD fan speed and temp's.

Highest desired fan speed 2100 (actual 0) and temperature rose from 40 to 46.2 Celsius (ambient room temperature 28 Celcius).

Strangly enough I saw the actual fan speed rise to 300 for about 5 seconds ??
My ODD Fan died

Hi fellows: I'm new in this forums website. I live in Venezuela and the Apple support is very deficient here. They were my machine 2 days and not even they reviewed it. My problem is that:
My ODD Fan died few weeks ago. I have an Imac 24" aluminium 3.06 Ghz and my guarantee expired the last month and can't use it. I saw in Youtube how open an Imac 24". See . I think i can do the fan changes. The odd fan is near to the DVD/CD Burner? I need a number part and where can i buy it? Does somebody have this information? thanks
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