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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 17, 2016
2016 15" MBP, running latest public release of HS 10.13 (No Beta nonsense on this machine).

Recently had an odd bug which I'm posting here as of how it began.

GF recently brought back an iPad 3 from home as no one was using it, it needed resetting so photos taken off. I plugged it into my MBP to do this (Using Apple 30pin and the Apple USB-C adapter), immediately my Mac froze completely, couldn't do anything other than reset it by holding down the power button. I thought it was odd but nothing else.

Then a few days ago it was low on battery, and we just have a 5w charger here. So I thought I'd plug it into the Mac to give it a quicker boost. Exactly same freeze happened.

The iPad is running iOS 8, latest one if it matters.

Normally I'd now just refrain from plugging that thing into the Mac (Although super curious about why on earth that would happen, some obscure software conflict somewhere between the OS's?). However my Mac just froze on me again, ironically it was during a Google search for how to hard reset the iPad as it was crashing... I had some mouse control, I unplugged the USB-C adapter for my mouse and then lost all mouse control (Trackpad). Absolutely nothing was working so again had to hard reset.

Now I could call Apple, however I am 100% sure they will just go "Try reinstalling the OS", whilst I'm sure that'll likely fix any issue, it's a PITA and I wanted to see if there was anything anyone could think of that might cause this. I believed at first it was down the the iPad as it would be seriously coincidental, however now it has happened without it, it could have just been the trigger for whatever.

Any help or ideas would be much appreciated!

I'm at a loss as to what would cause the machine to freeze, wasn't actually running anything other than Safari/Chrome at the time, what could cause an entire system to freeze up?
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