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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 23, 2006
Anyone know how to fix this?


(Is the pic viewable? Wondering if my school provides hot-linking...)
Thanks, CoMpX... :D

Close System Preferences, then look for a file called ""'s in <your user directory>/Library/Caches. Drag it to your Desktop and then try opening System Preferences again. If all looks well, you can go ahead and trash the file you dragged to your Desktop.
This problem seems to pop up every once in a while on these boards. I believe the solution is either to reboot or trash a preferences files but someone else will have to fill in the details.

EDIT: Beaten to it, man you guys are fast.
Incredibly fast indeed!
Fixed, thank you so much!

Question Posted : 6:56
One minute later... Notification of when help will arrive
One minute later... Solution.

Thanks again everyone!
MacRumors...fastest support site on Earth! :D

This problem seems to be cropping up on the Intel systems fairly frequently...not sure why. I don't think I've ever heard of it happening on a PPC system.
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