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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jun 17, 2003
Toronto, Canada
Ok, I just installed OSX 10.2 on an ancient Bondi Blue iMac. It actually works wonderfully.

Now, the problem occured after I did the software update. Now whenever the computer starts up, it stops at what I assume is the OpenFirmware screen. The screen displays an error "Invalid Word: bootr", and a buncha other stuff. I quickly figured out just to type "boot" to get past it.

Now, I'm wondering where it is that the word "boot" got changed to "bootr". How it got changed is something we'll probably never know, I just want to know which possible file the boot command is in, and how in the world to fix it. (Through the terminal, I assume.)

So, anyone up to the challenge of figuring this out?
ack, n/m

Someone else just told me to zap the PRAM, and it fixed it instantly. (Shoulda thought of that, but I hadn't done it in nearly 10 years, so I'd forgotten it exists.)
I am about to convert some Bondi Blues to Jaguar too.
What is your configuration? RAM?
Any problems .. that is besides the one you've stated?
Zapin' PRAM

See the little holes on the right near the ethernet port? Poke 'em with a paperclip, I think it's the lower one but I can't be sure.
What's the configuration on it anyways? I have an original 233mhz Bondi Blue and I 've been hesitant to put OSX on it, but if you got it to work, abliet with your odd problem, I'm going to give it a try. What version of OSX did you install?
Zapping the PRAM is accomplished by booting while holding down the keys:


Wait for the second chime.
Weird. Now I gotta zap the PRAM each time I startup.

No big deal for me, but for other people it may be confusing (it's only my iMac for the week. I love the Mac, but I'm stuck in Windows World at home...)

As for 10.2, works just fine on this machine. It's an original 233MHz, but with 256MB of RAM. The bug happened after the software update to 10.2.6. It was probably a fluke, but I'd stil like to locate the bug.

Hmm. Good idea anyway: Get DiskWarrior.

I don't think this is a bug. Sounds like the update had a glitch at exactly the wrong moment and updated the firmware with the wrong character.

I'd run DiskWarrior for this. Would' be a good idea on such a major upgrade anyway.
Originally posted by Flynnstone
I am about to convert some Bondi Blues to Jaguar too.
What is your configuration? RAM?
Any problems .. that is besides the one you've stated?

In any older system converting to OS X you should definitley have more that 512 megs of RAM, thats one thing you should definitley consider. And a lot of HD space on an external HD is a plus.
I've also had the same 'bootr' error after installing OS X.2 and then zapped the Pram on an imac 266mhz and it still didn't fix the start up problem. Now I have to hit Command-Opt-P-R each time I start up. Is there a way to fix this so it can start up normally?

thanks for the help.
hulugu said:
I have an original 233mhz Bondi Blue and I 've been hesitant to put OSX on it, but if you got it to work, abliet with your odd problem, I'm going to give it a try. What version of OSX did you install?

I have one of those too. I put 10.1 on it and it was painfully slow so I just took it off. I'm sure it will work better under 10.2 since it's faster, but I don't really think it's worth it to put X on there unless it's your only machine. And considering there was only 256 ram on there, that didn't help either. I'm sure under the right conditions it would work pretty well.
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